This could be one of the truest Articles of the season......

I've just read that article again and it's actually making my fucking blood boil! On the face of it it is just a pro-Hughes article but it actually manages to slate our current players as not being good enough at the same time. Who signed those players? Is Hughes now trying to push the notion that the signings he made were not of the standard he requires to break the Top 4? Nonsense. And why single out Stevie Ireland? Frank Lampard was not as good as Stevie Ireland at such tender years. Discuss.

How anyone can think that is a good article is beyond me. What does it achieve?
Pigeonho said:
It wouldn't matter if the article, or any article in support of Hughes for that matter, was 10 times the size of that, some people just refuse to take to him for whatever reason that is, and there will be no convincing them.
So, I take it your happy with how things are going????
More propaganda...another one following bailey onto the mcfc gravy train.

It's not about statistics however you may wish to spin it "new labour" style. Call me old fashioned, I go with what I actually see being played out there on the pitch, which has been piss poor however you wish to dress it up. Let's hope that on Wednesday, we press from the first minute, with everyone keeping their position and shape and get back to winning ways.
GaudinoMotors said:
Good article - but wasted on here - easier to reason with the Taliban

How? It sings the praises of our manager but slates our current players. It's hypocritical as it acually has a potentially demoralising effect on our players whilst preaching to us to get behind them.

I'd go as far as to say it's the worst article I've read in a long long time.
That kind of bare stat did not stop Arsenal chief executive Ivan Gazidis making an abortive ascent of the moral high ground, taking pot-shots at the new money of City and Chelsea along the way.

"We believe that success which is built is more significant, more meaningful and ultimately, more important than success which is bought," said the Gunners supremo.

The above missed off the following description to be inserted before the word 'Gunners' - 'holier than the rest of us', so that it reads -

"We believe that success which is built is more significant, more meaningful and ultimately, more important than success which is bought," said the holier than the rest of us Gunners supremo.
Speaking of the Gooners youth policy, is this not the one we're now trying to replicate?
DontLookBackInAnger said:
GaudinoMotors said:
Good article - but wasted on here - easier to reason with the Taliban
So in your view the league table should be based on how few times you lose, not on points????
No - but I`m not throwing my toys out of the pram after 13 games with the new influx of players - Just yet - I might after January though if no improvement
Most sensible thing I've read all season & 100% true. Ridiculous reactions so far to a season which may well end up exactly as everyone hoped it would. If it ends in disaster, THEN is the time to go on about it & pull holes in people rather than putting extra pressure on our own team when they need us & helping our enemies pull us apart.

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