This has done monumental damage hasn't it

Chippy_boy said:
1. We look like fooking idiots again
2. People will say "City are so shite that not even £100m and £500k per week would make anyone play for them". Or words to that effect.
3. Other decent players will be put off.
4. Worst of all, WE might not want to make such a generous bid ever again.

It's not a complete and total disaster (close) but not signing Kaka, compared to signing him, puts us back 2 years in my view. Had we signed him, everything would have started to fall into place. Others would have surely following easily and willingly. Now we are not back to square 1, it's square minus 1. Square 1 would have been had we not bothered bidding. But we have gone publicly balls out for it... and lost. This is a sad sad day indeed.

I am just so desperate to see us win something before I die. I hope it won't be too late.

Who needs the press to write our obituary when so called City fans can do it for them eh?
Lay off MY club and get some perspective.
Get a fcukin grip Blues..
No it hasn't done "monumental damage" at all...

Milan went back on their agreement, Kaka didn't really want to go but their head's were turned by the cash, but turned back again by the reaction of their fans players and most of all Kaka. This was a political decision in the end from Burlesconi. What else do you expect from this man???

We were ready to do business but they "bottled it".

Whatever... No shame... No problem... Move on.
Hasn't been handled brilliantly but our future doesn't stand or fall on one player. Seems to me though that the club needs a bit more discipline and I am worried about Hughes.
i think cooks negotiating tactics have blown up in his face spectaularly. hughes gave an ever so unsubtle warning at the weekend when he said that the chance to sign players like kaka does not come about every day and you must act quickly.

gary cook went into negotiations to talk about "humanitarian" issues. kakas dad went to talk about "finances". ffs! did he honestly think kaka was going to move from milan for the love of our club and "our project"? it was only ever about the money.

this is a major, major embarrassment to the club and does not reflect well on gary cook. as far as im concerned, we had hooked the fish, got it in the net and then let it get away.

as for robinho leaving the training camp..........................
Dodge said:
Chippy_boy said:
1. We look like fooking idiots again
2. People will say "City are so shite that not even £100m and £500k per week would make anyone play for them". Or words to that effect.
3. Other decent players will be put off.
4. Worst of all, WE might not want to make such a generous bid ever again.

It's not a complete and total disaster (close) but not signing Kaka, compared to signing him, puts us back 2 years in my view. Had we signed him, everything would have started to fall into place. Others would have surely following easily and willingly. Now we are not back to square 1, it's square minus 1. Square 1 would have been had we not bothered bidding. But we have gone publicly balls out for it... and lost. This is a sad sad day indeed.

I am just so desperate to see us win something before I die. I hope it won't be too late.

Who needs the press to write our obituary when so called City fans can do it for them eh?
Lay off MY club and get some perspective.
Get a fcukin grip Blues..

What obituary?

I said it's a massive disappointment and a huge set back. How much of that do you disagree with exactly? It's not exactly fooking good news is it.

Specifically, do you disagree with 1, 2, 3 or 4 above? I don't.

And also, do you not accept that had we signed him, others would have followed. And we would have been a better team with Kaka playing and therefore would reasonably have been expected to do better this season than without? You'd hope so for £100m.

So I don't really see what I have said that you can possibly disagree with.
If he didn't want to come so be it, I would would rather have a player that wants to play for us any day.

With regards to all this I think the message is out that we are serious.
Going for Kaka was a monumentally audacious bid and there were never any assurances that it would definately happen. We all knew this from the start. Let the press print crap and make as much mileage out of it as they can, let the wankers (pundits and other supporters alike) spew nonesense for their own reasons. I for one prefer to look at the positives:

We were as close as anyone has come to signing the best player in the world.

We have stated our intent to the footballing world and shown them that we have the resources to back it up.

Our current league form is something of a mini revival and we have every reason to believe we can win the next two games to keep it going.

We can look forward to getting Bojinov and Petrov back soon (IMO this is the best news of all and has been shadowed by all the furore of the past few weeks)

This has done monumental damage to bragging rights, so fucking what? Keeping a perspective and winning our next game is all that matters to me at the moment.
M35 Blue said:
Kris_Musampa said:
This deal was doomed the moment the media started using terms like "immoral" and "obscene" and comparing our new found wealth as a contrast to the world financial situation.

The pressure on Kaka was immense, and if i am honest, if i was Kaka in his situation, i would not have left either. He could only lose by coming to City and gain by staying at Milan. In all reality it was a no brainer for him.

I admit I am hugely dissapointed, but lets get a perspective on this. Worse shit has happened to us than this.

No player is ever bigger than the club, and the risk with Kaka was exactly that. Its the same with Robinho too, if the rumours are true and he has stomped of in a huff, then get rid, and get rid of any player who thinks he is bigger than Manchester City FC. I dont want any player coming here because of the money, i want them coming to us because they WANT to come to us, because we have a vision for great things, and financial power to deliver that vision.

The one plus about the Kaka fiasco is this. The whole football world now knows we have the desire AND the resource to go to the top.

Good post mate

Spot on!
M35 Blue said:
Kris_Musampa said:
This deal was doomed the moment the media started using terms like "immoral" and "obscene" and comparing our new found wealth as a contrast to the world financial situation.

The pressure on Kaka was immense, and if i am honest, if i was Kaka in his situation, i would not have left either. He could only lose by coming to City and gain by staying at Milan. In all reality it was a no brainer for him.

I admit I am hugely dissapointed, but lets get a perspective on this. Worse shit has happened to us than this.

No player is ever bigger than the club, and the risk with Kaka was exactly that. Its the same with Robinho too, if the rumours are true and he has stomped of in a huff, then get rid, and get rid of any player who thinks he is bigger than Manchester City FC. I dont want any player coming here because of the money, i want them coming to us because they WANT to come to us, because we have a vision for great things, and financial power to deliver that vision.

The one plus about the Kaka fiasco is this. The whole football world now knows we have the desire AND the resource to go to the top.

Good post mate

Totally agree

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