This video sums up perfectly what it’s like being a blue.

Being a match going blue from a kid in the 70s to now , it's definitely been character forming. The transformation from then to now is just unbelievable. Once a blue, always a blue no matter what the future holds. Loud and proud CTID.
We are Gods own Club with the most worthiest of fans. Ian Cheeseman finds these fans every week. They are the ones who saw Division Two and are still following City to this day. Keeping the dream alive and die happy blue. I thank God that I was never tempted toward the dark side in those fallow years for we are truly blessed.
That's nothing, try 1976/77. I've witnessed some real shite. I'm fully aware that this could now turn into the Four Yorkshireman sketch from Monty Python. Anyone under the age of 40 will just have to look it up on that YouTube.
1976/77 was my first year as a season ticket holder.
1976/77 was my first year as a season ticket holder.
When we finished one point behind the dippers that season, that should have offered a clue as to what we'd let ourselves in for. Turned out alright in the end though didn't it? I wouldn't change a single minute.
When we finished one point behind the dippers that season, that should have offered a clue as to what we'd let ourselves in for. Turned out alright in the end though didn't it? I wouldn't change a single minute.
It certainly has turned out alright, it's been quite a journey.
Full discussion is interesting. Holds his own well - but I might have wanted to respond to the first question about a Big Club and no history by looking at when Arsenal first won the FA Cup against when City first won (1930 v 1904) or first European trophy - (both 1970). Or City's position in the All Time League table (6th) - despite our time in 2nd and 3rd division - because through most of history of football City have been one of the better teams.

And the question about Buying the League - the answer is Yes - just like everyone else has. Arsenal were nothing until they tempted Chapman from Huddersfield in 1925 with an enormous salary increase and became known as "The Bank of England." It is the way most teams have won the League and the only way they have sustained any sort of long term success.

but the little speech at the end is great - and couldn't agree more, I'm glad we went though all we did from the 80's to now. It's a far more interesting journey than bobbing along in mid-table for ever with the odd excursion towards the top or bottom. And I hope never means that we feel entitled to be at the top table - although clearly many will grow to believe that is so.
"The dark times" is just like the current reality for 98% of football clubs, it never was that dark.
It wasnt great at the time but it was lol. To live thought that shit period it seemed to mold us fans of a certain age. The worst we got the more I would wear my City clothing out, bizarrely.
Now we have a younger generation who despite us being shit when they were at school enjoying our success.

Only our fans under say 15 or so dont remember the poor years let alone the shit years.

I wouldn't change a thing
Exactly this - I / we grew in defiance the shitter we became (I'd have been what 13ish when in Division 2?).

But I loved going the games and the overall camaraderie of it all. School mates at the time would take the piss but the ones with genuine interest in football were respectful that I was going home and away.

Nowadays same principle - the ones that know my backstory never have a go at me or City as they know that we have put in the hard yards.

In fact thinking about it, even all of the fuck ups that we have made as a club over the last however long, the main things that still really get to me are the sacking and handling of Mancini (fucked the cup final) and is voting in favour of that Super League shit when we should have known so much better (I'm sure there others if I put my mind to it).

*** Yes I know I have just undone my opening line *** ;-)

The guy in that vid did a really good job of articulating that as it's not always the easiest especially when the other guy is basically bating you due to the initial investment into the club (something that he would also love to happen to his beloved Arsenal - again)..........

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