Thoughts on Yesterdays Attendance and Crowd Makeup

S04 said:
jrb said:
First of all I'd like to thank both clubs on the ticket pricing. It worked. :-) Great to see the Etihad packed for a FA Cup 3rd round tie.

Plenty of new fans turned up yesterday.(bodes well for the stadium expansion) Loads stood around me. Plenty of Youngsters. Middle aged Man and Women(who got a flag) didn't know any songs and looked slightly aghast when the chants containing swear words were aired. However, that is the nature of the beast in Block 111.

Overall yesterday was a roaring success in my opinion. Yes City may haven't made as much money on ticket sales, but souvenir and refreshment sales must have rocketed. Not only that, I 'm sure the players appreciated a packed stadium, instead of a half empty one.

I hope City repeat a similar pricing policy if we're at home again in the 4th round.

PS. Big thanks to City and the BA for the banners and flags. Added a bit of colour to the terraces.

I´m pretty sure City knows exactly how ticket prices affect attendances, and that it will be taken into consideration when stadium expansions are discussed.
The priority might become to have a revenue generating operation around the stadium itself as contrast to the current ticket prices in the prem.
If there´s an expansion on the stadium I mean..

I fully appreciate that as I keep on pointing out to certain Rags. The people that own and run City know what they're doing on and off the pitch. However, it was nice to see the positive impact of affordbale ticket prices. If there were any doubts, which there won't have been, they are now well and truly bannished. :-)
as i dad who takes a 5 year old and 7 year old please swear as much as you like, my dad told me swearing is for the footballl not for school adn my sons are the same (i dont think i have ever heard the man swaer apart from watching sport). they have to learn there is an appropriate time and place for everything and football is one of these times, otherwise they might grow up to be one these people who think your not supposed to lose your temper or go mental or in fact do anything while at the football.
nice to see a good crowd due to the pricing,but is it fair other clubs rip us off when we go to their ground whilst we set a decent price for them?
SWSB said:
nice to see a good crowd due to the pricing,but is it fair other clubs rip us off when we go to their ground whilst we set a decent price for them?

It isn't fair other clubs rip us off when we go away but we have to look closer to home and ask if it's fair to charge other clubs visiting us £52!
We're Cat A wherever we go nowerdays but what some clubs are now charging will see a whole new change in the fanbase due to it being financially out of reach for many!
Football is becoming very, very expensive!
I can't pluck a figure out of the air and say categorically that people won't pay it and won't go!!
Many still will even if they can't afford it! ...but if prices continue to rise at the rate they have in the last 3 years we will begin to see many more empty seats than we do today!
I don't know what the answer is but someone needs to come up with one before long or we're looking at a very select few who can follow City on the road all season without taking out a secong mortgage!
Having been moved from my usual seat because the 3rd tier was not open I ended up back in the third tier via the second and a chat with supporter services, but in block 329 as opposed to my usual 326. Loads of kids in there so had to mind my p's and q's a bit more. Thought the atmosphere was a bit flat in general and at one point heard the 'it should have been 10' song being sung by two lots of fans totally out of sync right next to each other in the singing a weird echo.

Biggest crowd of the day.

All some papers said was the FA cup DISAPPEARING CROWDS.

"Is cup losing its magic as fans stay away?" was one quote.

They then show a table of which clubs had the highest non attenders.

We were not even mentioned when that table showed we had 84 less fans than an average league game. (0.02% less)

Typical RAG media.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Quite a few in 109/110 who couldn't find their seats and didn't realise that Rows AA-DD are not rows A-D.

As for the crowd make-up, I didn't put any moisturiser on but Matty had his foundation on and had plucked his eye-brows.

You may not have moisturused, but you'd certainly applied rouge. Either that or you were pissed.

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