Throwing the placards on the pitch

my dad had scrunched his placard up due to stress at having to watch that shit performance and I'm not jokin it was rock solid like a baseball or somethin, if he'd have thrown it then it would have knocked someone clean out.
People don't get it! even if it was feathers being thrown it's not aloud And if it happens again the club will be punished
All very well having a go at Showsec which I fully agree with after Saturday but throwing missiles of any sort on the pitch is a fucking disgrace and Sky are taking great pleasure in highlighting this.

If the club get a fine or whatever I hope the fans who did this are happy.Rules are rules.Have a lugh by all means but we are quick to criticise the stewards and correctly so but anyone who says it was ok to lob shit onto the pitch are clearly blinkered.
The 'one end' thing started well but unfortunately too many people were more interested in throwing stuff than cheering the team on. I'm sure the lads really appreciated that support.
Have to agree on that plane in the second half, superb work. Unfortunately my three attempts got no further than about six or seven rows, all crashing into the same guys head who took it well. Think BA should organise a paper plane session, they'd have huge numbers as it appears a lot of us need some practise.
It was piss funny first half when everyone was chucking them at the CL cameramen, but slightly less funny dobbing them at the stewards, not funny at all when the corner of east stand/south stand threw them at johnno, and extremely fucking embarrassing after everyone had been warned and people in the east/south corner were throwing them at the villareal player
I dont know who's idea this was but it was not thought through. I was impressed with the display but thinking about it it was always likely to happen. Anyone throwing anything on the pitch should be ejected from the ground.

Remember the baloon in the goalmouth incident which cost us the game.

I can also remember at Maine Road as the teams came out every home game some knobhead used to throw buckets full of confetti on the pitch and it used to stay on the grass all the game.

Chuck em out.
throwing paper onto the pitch! crime of the century! live"n up you miserable cunts if you have a problem with that you need to sort your life out, maybe get out more and meet more people!

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