Thugs kill puppy by stamping on its head

Immaculate Pasta said:
I'd happily kick the living shits out of these little shits and happily face the consequences from it.

Animal cruelty should be dealt with seriously, it's the first stage before doing it on a fellow human being.
You hear about fuckers microwaving cats and hanging great danes from trees and they get off lightly. Those cunts have murdered living creatures and should pay the same price as killing a human.
Absolutely dispicable, and completely inexcusable. What harm could a dog which could, "fit in a coffee cup" do to 3 teenage boys? No harm.

Absolutely pathetic.
Although not a great animal lover myself when I read the headline on the front of the express I physical gasped.
How could anyone do this? It's f***ing unforgiveable and the poor girl who had to witness it, she'll have nightmares for ages.

Jesus wept.
Also what everyones forgetting is how do you think that 15 year old girls going to feel? Going to haunt her for the rest of her life that image
Hope the police don't catch him but that the community does. A little vigilante revenge is called for here and not the waste of space that is allegedly our justice system.
Did anyone see the PETA campaign about how animal abusers often graduate to abusing people? Sad that our society has people like this in it.
Show me the twats!!! And i will get some of my crew to stand on their smacked up heads the little dicks!!!!

Why and how could you do this!!!! What did the puppy do to them!! Such muppets in the world nowadays. Just because there parents treat them like dogs!!! Or is that an insult to dogs!!??

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