ticket prices for semi- final

Personally could not care less if we sold out and would certainly not blame anyone for not bothering either.

Our fanbase to me won't be judged on a semi final costing an arm and a leg to get too, and at considerable inconvenience.

Yes some rich pundit, completely detached from reality, of recession and stagnated wages will express his astonishment and the odd sky rag will use it as a brush to beat us with.

Any real football fan worth his salt, and particularly from the North, will fully understand why fans have given it a miss the rest. The others, like the pundits, will have never paid to watch a game in their life and won't be worth discussing any topic more advanced than the back page of the Sun with.
I find it a bit surprising that open sale tickets haven't been snapped up. Shows the disconnect once fans stop going. It's a habit that once broken is not generally missed. A warning to clubs....
Wonder what time the leave early brigade will make for the exit.fair play to all the fans that are going it not a cheap day out plus it a fair old slog there and back then work in the morning one word RESPECT

i got home at 1am after last years final against dippers , up at 6am for flight back down to Heathrow then express in to London, all because my son needed to be back for work.

Doing again this year but can have a sleep in until 8am
Hard to make any game in London affordable for fans outside the capital
Cannot see how it can be done.
Travel and hotels if needed can be a nightmare.
Sunday 3pm kick off is better than 5.30 3pm Saturday but still an expensive day out.
Luckily I did 2 overtime shifts to cover my day but if I had a young family no idea how I would manage.
I find it a bit surprising that open sale tickets haven't been snapped up. Shows the disconnect once fans stop going. It's a habit that once broken is not generally missed. A warning to clubs....

The bubble is bursting , it's not just City with empty seats, it's at a lot of PL grounds , certainly this season more than past seasons , people are saving their money on the match day experience and gradually taking up the cheaper option of the pub or armchair , disposable income is getting narrower for an awful lot of people so luxuries become dispensable , you can pick and choose your games if you want , said it in an earlier post but unless there are groundbreaking changes in ticket prices it will get worse , the standard of football overall in the PL is very good but people are staying away for a reason - price being the main one.
i got home at 1am after last years final against dippers , up at 6am for flight back down to Heathrow then express in to London, all because my son needed to be back for work.

Doing again this year but can have a sleep in until 8am
That is dedicaction .fingers crossed for a victory
I find it a bit surprising that open sale tickets haven't been snapped up. Shows the disconnect once fans stop going. It's a habit that once broken is not generally missed. A warning to clubs....

Its not much of a habit though is it? Two semi finals at Wembley, one against United. Its more a case of the novelty having worn off.

Its a semi final not a final. Its an expensive trip for many, one that they might have to repeat in a few weeks time. It appeals to fans of clubs who think it might be their only forseeable trip to Wembley, but take that away and its just a televised semi final. Its not really surprising that only roughly half of the match going fanbase are that bothered about going.
The bubble is bursting , it's not just City with empty seats, it's at a lot of PL grounds , certainly this season more than past seasons , people are saving their money on the match day experience and gradually taking up the cheaper option of the pub or armchair , disposable income is getting narrower for an awful lot of people so luxuries become dispensable , you can pick and choose your games if you want , said it in an earlier post but unless there are groundbreaking changes in ticket prices it will get worse , the standard of football overall in the PL is very good but people are staying away for a reason - price being the main one.
The bubble burst for me ages ago i had my first season ticket in the early 70s got rid of it 8 years ago i only go one home game a season now .used to do about 12 -15 away games each season .not done away game for about 10 year .much rather watch games in pub /house .safe trip all who are going to wembley
We have sold out Level 1, Level 2 takes care of itself;l and many Supporters Club tickets are in Level 5. Yes there is still decent ticket availability in Level 5 but I guess we have sold about 30,000 tickets. Hopefully we will sell out but it's not very important.

Most home games we sell out the top end of the away. We have issues with seats that have been paid by season card holders being empty for some games and early leavers (down to personal choice) but the bubble clearly hasn't burst yet in terms of selling tickets.

Going to Wembley is no longer a novelty as other posters have said. That said, if we had let Cup Scheme Members buy 2 tickets each from the start, we would probably have sold this game out by now.

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