ticket prices for semi- final

The club's marketing department is absolutely wank. And the person in charge of dealing with the press is equally wank.
I'm afraid it's always been the same way back to the 60s and is unlikely to change any time soon
I'm not a member of a supporters branch anymore so i can't question club officials like i used to do but do members even bother to have a go at officials who rock up at their branches anymore or do they just think they are wasting their breath?
I'm afraid it's always been the same way back to the 60s and is unlikely to change any time soon
I'm not a member of a supporters branch anymore so i can't question club officials like i used to do but do members even bother to have a go at officials who rock up at their branches anymore or do they just think they are wasting their breath?
Dont think officalls even bother going to supporters meetings anymore .back in the day it was great when the likes of John Wardle. Chris Bird .Alistar Mackintosh .Bernard Halford ect turned up.we might not have agreed with all there answers but at leadt they turned up and took on board what we said
Here's another idea.

Why don't those running the club get rid of the £30 Citizens card fee, or whatever the fee is, and roll out free citizens membership cards next season?(are you reading this Soriano?) Do a massive Summer sign up campaign, get 10,000's of more Citizen members, and offer them unsold tickets next season. But no, the club would rather rake in a poultry £300K or whatever they get for the Citizen membership card, while 10,000's of City fans refuse to pay a fee, just for the privilege of being allowed to buy a matchday ticket. Imagine how much extra City would make via free Citizen membership cards from additional ticket, souvenir, food, drink, tours, etc, sales. But what the hell do I know. Those guys at City in their suits, with Apple iMacs, presentations, spreedsheets, etc, would soon put me in my place. After all, they've crunched the figures.

I agree with your idea JRB although I would make Cityzeans a tenner rather than free. Some people just don't appreciate a free good and you get situations like the FA Ykuth Cup Final firet leg where half the people who have taken tickets don't turn up. Then Blues who find they can go at the last minute can't get in.
You are right that the tickets haven't been marketed but I think the club were expecting sales to be faster. That said, promoting the remaining tickets on the website would have also led to media jibes.

Taking over 30k to Wembley is OK and we still might sell out our extended allocation.
The people running the club ought to live in the reall world or at least talk to reall fans. The likes of Neville .Savage Collimore ect have never bought a match day ticket in their lives .instead of having a dig at 30 odd thousand City fans who are going .they should question why is it at Wembley in the first place and why we get the Sunday game .
Here's another idea.

Why don't those running the club get rid of the £30 Citizens card fee, or whatever the fee is, and roll out free citizens membership cards next season?(are you reading this Soriano?) Do a massive Summer sign up campaign, get 10,000's of more Citizen members, and offer them unsold tickets next season. But no, the club would rather rake in a poultry £300K or whatever they get for the Citizen membership card, while 10,000's of City fans refuse to pay a fee, just for the privilege of being allowed to buy a matchday ticket. Imagine how much extra City would make via free Citizen membership cards from additional ticket, souvenir, food, drink, tours, etc, sales. But what the hell do I know. Those guys at City in their suits, with Apple iMacs, presentations, spreedsheets, etc, would soon put me in my place. After all, they've crunched the figures.
Difficult to argue with that. I always thought it was pretty shit to charge people to be a member beyond perhaps a nominal fee for the cost of producing the card, similar to the fiver or whatever they charge these days if you lose your season card and have to have it reprinted.
For those too cool to look on City website!
Semi Final ticket info is top story on the mobile app. Get em snaffled up.
We'll have over 30,000 there on Sunday for a game that, bar it kicking off at 5:30, the football authorities & TV companies have made it as difficult as possible for Northern fans to attend.

I think there's an element of complacency as well. It will be our 9th visit to Wembley in 6 years and it's a semi-final rather than a final. Two of my immediate family & friends group of six aren't bothering as neither fancy getting home late on Sunday night after a 5-hour return trip and having to get up at 6am the next day. If we get to the final, they''ll do it. But many can't or don't want to spend £100+ per person when they might have to do it again in a month.

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