Ticket Pricing for Sparta Prague (H)

Thank you, so I think we can expect the pot 3 team to be in the mid to late £30 bracket and pot 2 team in the mid £40 bracket?
That's logical, so maybe.

But someone earlier on the thread seemed to think that the remaining three home games will all be the same price, based on the advanced information for hospitality.
That's logical, so maybe.

But someone earlier on the thread seemed to think that the remaining three home games will all be the same price, based on the advanced information for hospitality.
Thanks, I haven't waded through all of the thread. It would be a reasonable gesture if the remaining CL home games were priced as per the Sparta Prague game
They really don't have a clue do those involved in ticket pricing, quite big increases on the previous years group games for in reality inferior opposition, I often think they are infiltrators who want a bit of self sabotage, They should start getting local people on board, encouraging lapsed blues to start going to games again but for some reason they completely disregard them, message to corporate dimwits your short term thinking is daft in the extreme you build a local fan base you clean up locally, most school kids who haven't really formed an allegiance should be brought on board, there are 2.7 million people in Greater Manchester we have won the league four times on the trot they should be clamouring to attend games but because of your pricing and you chasing the foreign coin and going for transient out of town/foreighn supporters you have alienated those who would be the backbone of the club.
Good post.

Khaldoon briefly mentioned the rising cost of SC and match tickets in part 2 of his end of seson interview so he and the club are aware that they are pricing local fans out of going but we'll see what transpires to be in future .

I had a SC about 12 maybe 13 seasons but when I gave it up 2 seasons ago I got no email from the club a asking why I didn't renew and I think it's because the club doesn't care and they want SC holders to give up going so the seat becomes a match day seat.

What ADUG have one for us is fantastic and they have delivered every promise and much more but annual price hikes seem like a kick in the teeth to me as a cheap seats dweller, well they're not cheap anymore but you know what I mean.

The thing is for me is the match day bug dissipated fast after giving up my SC because of several reasons. Main bugbear for me was VAR incidents are not replayed on stadium screens and much of the time I and those around me had no fuckin' idea what's happened and why the decision which you get to see on TV. I'm also not happy I can no longer park as anywhere near the stadium and I ain't paying a tenner to park to be stuck in a bottleneck car park after the game. I leave the car at home and get the bus to Ashton and tram from Ashton if I'm drinking. If I'm not I'll park up in Ashton to get the tram but I'm not keen on being absolutely crammed in on the tram.

If I don't go to the game I can watch every Saturday 3 pm game on my FireStick App in the comfort of being at home warm and dry. And I can also go to the pub for reasonably priced beer instead of paying £5.60 a pint for Japanese gnats piss.

The club need to be mindful of not pissing off and pricing locals out of going to games because if we get found guilty and relegated the club will no longer have day trippers and tourists turning up. What then? I'll tell you what they'll be begging us back at significantly reduced prices or the stadium will be little over half full for the less glamorous games.

Take heed City, take heed...

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