Ticketless BlueMooners, let's do this.

They would go to Mary's if there's nowhere quieter, it's just my mum had a brain tumour removed a couple of years ago and doesn't want the inflated risk of something being thrown onto her head in there. If there is a chance of something a little less intense for them
PM me.
Can someone please tell me what you lot (those who are going to the secret pub) are doing towards the end of the match? Are you staying in the pub or heading down to the ground towards the end of the match to enjoy the celebrations?

If it's the latter and it's the pub i'm thinking off I might have to re-think what time I hail a cab to get down to the ground as I will be in the pub two doors down.

Would be cool to be at your place but I'm still a noob and I think the secret pub (IMO) should be for regulars.
I am a bit pissed off to be honest. Im one of the buskers that plays before the home games. Unfortunately due to reasons beyond my control I can't have my ticket for Sunday. Gutted doesn't come close. Can someone pm me a descent venue for Sunday ?
jimharri said:
dandeman2008 said:
Please can someone PM me, I am looking for somewhere for my parents to watch?
Stcik them in Mary D's; they'll love it!! A free beer shampoo thrown in as well!

Might turn into a foam party in there if all goes well on Sunday.
Errrr . . . helloooooooo.

Can I have a PM please?

I might come if my mate will come too, won't come on my own, I'm too shy because I don't know anybody :-(
glen quagmire said:
FuZzY said:
Errrr . . . helloooooooo.

Can I have a PM please?

I might come if my mate will come too, won't come on my own, I'm too shy because I don't know anybody :-(

I am gonna pop in before i go to the game. Do i get to meet my fuzzy pal?

Who knows!!

Pop in where by the way?
FuZzY said:
Errrr . . . helloooooooo.

Can I have a PM please?

I might come if my mate will come too, won't come on my own, I'm too shy because I don't know anybody :-(
Don't tell anyone, but it's a place called the Bishop Blaize. Nice little boozer. Never been in it before, so I'm not sure of the location. Just off to google it now.

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