Tickets home - Real Madrid - Sold out

Ive got to the website but all it seems to let me choose is stand, tier and block, wont let me choose a specific seat. Offering me a ticket on row 1 in block 116. Surely you can choose your seat?
I got down to 236 in the queue after 1hr and 20mins. and just hung up. Website is best hope.
I've been on the phone and web since 9am on the dot. The website has been up and down like a brides nighty, plodding along slowly on the phone but getting somewhere at least.
Got mine online after an hour and 20 minutes trying all I can advise is to keep patient and stick with it, absolute ballache mind that when my basket finally loaded I clicked checkout only for it to log me out but when I finally got in my ticket was still in my basket
So, is it deffo 2 per SC holder? Got to seat planner it would only let me load one!

Took that one as I wanted to make sure at least one person was there from our household!
just managed to get mine, been on since 9am on the dot, only advice i can give is just stay with it once you get in each stage takes 5/10 mins , previuosly kept clicking over and over, so dont click on ahything else i even got the confirmation mail 5 mins before finishing processing payments

Just got mine. Agree dont' reclick anything.. It looks like it's not worknig but then then starts to load after a couple of minutes. Took quite a while to go through each stage. Make sure you login first as well..
Never been on the cup scheme but attended most cup games this year, how much more does it cost to join/what savings made?

Fucking daft of me never to consider it, if it saves this shit every time we get to the latter stages of a competition, it's worth it.

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