Time To Ban Ticket Touting

I dunno how much City made off their deal with Viagogo but they should introduce a ticket exchange on their website, allowing us to Exchange our tickets at face value with a respectable handling fee which would go to City directly, not some other company.
A few years back I bought two tickets to a sold out Eels concert off eBay
I paid over the odds but the two rows in front of me were completely empty

As others have said there are far too many chancers getting tickets just to flog on with no intention of going
The number of times tickets go on sale on eBay as soon as the tickets have sold out at the 'official' sellers
About time the ticket agencies put a stop to it.
I've no problem with touts. Most of them are decent lads just trying to earn a living and they offer a service.

It's seems a bit odd though, that they are looked on as scum in certain circles. Yet what they are doing doesn't appear to
differ from the service Viagogo and the likes offer.

City would probably ban and possibly try and prosecute a season ticket holder caught selling tickets at an inflated price.
Yet they supply Viagogo directly with tickets to do exactly that.

It would be interesting how a tout would get on in court if he got a decent brief and claimed he was selling ticket at face value
and the rest was a handling charge.
SWP's back said:
supply and demand

in that case why aren't they charging £500 outright? because the people who have the right to sell the ticket (ie. those putting on the entertainment) have deemed fair value on the front of the ticket, and that's how it should be. It shouldn't be up to some undesirable to charge 10x as much just because they bought the ticket first, it's not theirs (as the ToC's on many of these things inc. City tickets state) so they have no right to sell it, they're not making any contribution to the entertainment whatsoever, they have no part of it and should not be allowed to make a profit on it.
Ticket touts have been part of football for years. Simple economics of demand and supply.

I haven't needed one for years, but I've bought tickets for both gigs and football games that I wouldn't have got to see otherwise. I once sold a bunch of tickets to an England game to a tout and made a load of money. But he was happy with the deal so it was like any other deal in a capitalist society.

I don't see the problem with the licensed touts either. Its just another business. As it stand I might even need one of those for BArcelona.

I don't understand why people jump on the moral high ground about this kind of stuff. If you don't like the prices don't pay them.
JoeMercer'sWay said:
SWP's back said:
supply and demand

in that case why aren't they charging £500 outright? because the people who have the right to sell the ticket (ie. those putting on the entertainment) have deemed fair value on the front of the ticket, and that's how it should be. It shouldn't be up to some undesirable to charge 10x as much just because they bought the ticket first, it's not theirs (as the ToC's on many of these things inc. City tickets state) so they have no right to sell it, they're not making any contribution to the entertainment whatsoever, they have no part of it and should not be allowed to make a profit on it.

Ahh, the innocence of youth

You'll learn that economies of scale are a must, especially for rich folk (:
Didsbury Dave said:
Ticket touts have been part of football for years. Simple economics of demand and supply.

I haven't needed one for years, but I've bought tickets for both gigs and football games that I wouldn't have got to see otherwise. I once sold a bunch of tickets to an England game to a tout and made a load of money. But he was happy with the deal so it was like any other deal in a capitalist society.

I don't see the problem with the licensed touts either. Its just another business. As it stand I might even need one of those for BArcelona.

I don't understand why people jump on the moral high ground about this kind of stuff. If you don't like the prices don't pay them.

They are not providing a service. They are making a nice little tax free business for themselves. You make it sound like they are a community organisation!
I queued up outside the Palace Theatre for tickets to see Morrissey at the Apollo in 2009. There must have been 40 scrotes in front of us. All given money by their Fagin 15 mins before the ticket box opened and all bought 4 tickets each. I was the 3rd to last person to get tickets before the ''sold out'' sign went up - maybe 65 of us got served and 40 of those were scrotes working for the tout. People behind us were going mad.
So the tout now becomes the savior to Morrissey fans for providing a service to those who couldn't get tickets? That is bull shit. If no touts had bought tickets in the first place, 160 genuine fans would have obtained those tickets from the original source at the original price.
Touts are parasites.
Couple of years ago when we played United in the cup my ticket wouldn't work at the gate so had to go around to the ticket office to try get it sorted. By the time I got seen about 15 minutes had gone in the game (Pissing down as well) and they wouldn't let me in. After complaining and asking for a manager etc. half time comes and I think we were 2 down, a tout comes up to me as I was going to the pub as I couldn't be arsed arguing any more in the rain and asked me if I wanted a ticket for the 2nd half. I asked him how much and he wanted £100 for it and proceeded to tell him to fuck off.

Such a shit day that, worse thing was watching people leave a half time because, 'They've had enough'.
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
trotsky said:
Viagogo is handy for Blues who live a distance away. I am happy to let my seats go at below face value to ensure they're used. If others choose to sell at above face value it's their business. Viagogo is just a service that people can either use or not. It helped me to decide to keep my seasoncards - every year I can not help missing certain dates.
Whoring for points is another matter though...

Do not be fooled by Viagogo. The only reason why they cant charge above face value (and handling fees) for football games is because the law prevents them from doing that. They are a legalised touting company.
When I was on the FSF committee I went to a Parliamentary hearing about touting and their top man was there.... an American Del Boy saying how he provided a service...... and that fans (of music) who couldn't go to gigs just wanted their money back.
I stood up and said ''within 5 minutes of tickets going on sale for gigs by Madonna / Kyle / Rolling Stones etc (this was a few years ago) you are advertising tickets for sale way beyond face value. Who spends a lot of money buying these tickets and within 5 minutes realise they can't go that gig and therefore advertise them on Viagogo? You are nothing but a legalised spiv and a blight to real music lovers. If you (and ebay) were not allowed to flog tickets at extortionate prices, someone in Swindon would not be buying tickets for gigs at the MEN Arena with the intent of selling them on. You are providing the avenue for genuine fans to be ripped off.''
The twat maintained he was providing a genuine service to fans of music and football.... next question please....

next question is ticketmaster
why do the advertise tickets for sale and then direct you to another company,who are selling at inflated prices.

that is much worse than viagogo in my book.

no wonder ticketmaster sell out quick,they have sold tickets to their ticket touting partner before the even go onsale.
Didsbury Dave said:
Ticket touts have been part of football for years. Simple economics of demand and supply.

I haven't needed one for years, but I've bought tickets for both gigs and football games that I wouldn't have got to see otherwise. I once sold a bunch of tickets to an England game to a tout and made a load of money. But he was happy with the deal so it was like any other deal in a capitalist society.

I don't see the problem with the licensed touts either. Its just another business. As it stand I might even need one of those for BArcelona.

I don't understand why people jump on the moral high ground about this kind of stuff. If you don't like the prices don't pay them.

I agree with most of that mate. I've no problem with ordinary touts.

But the one thing I think is wrong is that City along with most "promoters" will as part of their deal with Viagogo, give them tickets directly, to sell at a profit, which otherwise would have being available to ordinary punters at face value from the club.

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