Time Travel

Time travel must exist. Someone just posted a pic on facebook of a Christening in my old local. I know for a fact it was only a few years ago, it was a free bar so I remember it well. Since then I've had two kids and one is older than I was then and the other is the same age. Time travel is real.
looked good for a bit though. I shall return to my port hole. Shit I'm depressed
We've already done time travel in the large hadron collide, just with molecules or atoms or something. You send tlthrm round fast enough and they go forward in time. Stephen hawking explains on the time travel documentary all this, and obviously far better than me! But yea we've already done it (to an extent) and we know you just need to go fast, or knock about near something big (talking a fuck off planet big). Give it a watch if you are even questioning whether time travel exists (as did I) and you watch thay it's one hell of a fucking eye opener and explained brilliantly so even people like m ewho know fuck all about physical, can understand

I've seen it, really good watch.

He also goes on to say he thinks going backwards is impossible.

But as you say forwards has and is being done.

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