Todays Mirror

Yep, Dunn wrote it. It was an opinion piece rather than a match report (which was penned by Mullock)

I don't think it was too bad apart from the bit stony highlighted but I suppose that could indeed have been a dig at Dzeko and his overall play rather than at the team itself.

Dunn does seem to have mellowed towards us in recent years - he's certainly better than when he implored Hughes to resign in the wake of the Kaka transfer saga, citing our owner as being an embarrassment, etc. On reflection we were perhaps getting ahead of ourselves at the time but I'm sure Dunn has realised over time that we're a damn sight better run than he felt back then.
We had twice as many shots as Palace (including blocked shots ) twice as many corners , more possession and yet it was undeserved , and if you look at the stats for our 4 away defeats , the stats are probably similiar , Daily Mirror readers will consist of 75% brain dead rag plastics and they are just writing what our little rag friends want to here , apparently yoooonited are on a roll and are now premiership certs , we have won 9 out of 10 , and we have a squeaky bum , YCMIU.
stony said:
chesterbells said:
Just scanned the whole thread and can't find any reference to the name of the journo who wrote the article in the OP - cant see the article on their website either.
Who was it, anyone know or got a link?
Plenty of mirror slating on here which I wouldn't disagree with, but they do have Simon Mullock as one of their staff & he is certainly a city fan
It was Andy Dunn
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ce-2968037</a>
Looks like they've buried it and put up one by Simon Mullock instead.
Actually the Mullock proposition that Pellegrini is quite happy with his squad is also utterly preposterous and the precise opposite of what was said in the latest PC. No doubt it is what he will say if he doesn't get any reinforcements this January but no manager in his right mind would turn down opportunities to improve his squad if the owners had their cash drawer open.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ni-2973672</a>
One question; Why would any football fan read the Daily Mirror or check what the website said?
Sigster100 said:
Newtoncc said:
Mike N said:
One question; Why would any football fan read the Daily Mirror or check what the website said?

That's two questions surely

It is but I don't think he's called Shirley!

Shirley here Shirley there Shirley every fcukin where....sorry I'm well pissed!
Mike N said:
One question; Why would any football fan read the Daily Mirror or check what the website said?

morbid curiosity , the more they offend our club , the more you know , we are doing the right things.

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