Todays pa guy

All clubs have craps / anoying / pathitic PA guys . . . . All except Bolton, the bloke who does theirs is quite funny.
Immaculate Pasta said:
"and the half time score is City 1 Celtic 1..."


lol he was the same guy who was at the big screen when we played orlando pirates or kaisers not sure who

we lost like lol.
aww lol, trying so hard aswell
fair play to him

i see no mods can be arsed to delete the thread
theinvisibleman said:
Not once did he call us Manchester City, it was always City! That really pissed me off. We are MANCHESTER CITY the only football team to come from Manchester!

Me too.
Imvco, blokes on the mic before the game and at half time should be miserable as sin.

The last thing I want is someone telling me to 'come on', 'get behind the team', 'give it up', etc, etc.

Anyway, he only continues a long tradition of awful PA guys at City.

There was the rag who fecked off to United, a couple of other far too enthusiastic ones who thought they were comparing a 10 year old's birthday party and that bald bloke from Key 103 who came on at half time and spouted a load of shite.

In fact, get rid of the lot of them.

I can see with my own eyes who is on the pitch. If others can't then they want to try watching the team a bit more and paying attention. I can also live with someone shouting shite whilst some fat, attention seeking blokes, z list celebs or kids try to kick a ball through a bouncy castle and I won't die if someone doesn't tell me what the score is at half time or that it's Dick Head's 40th birthyday today and he's sat in the South Stand.

Feck the lot of it off.

The only ones I will put up with are Vince Miller, because he sang Blue Moon when getting relegated and the bloke from Rochdale who annouced Karim Kerkar as "Er.............. er....... er.......... er............... Ken Carr".

Now he had the right idea. None of this childish, put your hands in the air shite. He couldn't even be bothered to check who was playing.
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Imvco, blokes on the mic before the game and at half time should be miserable as sin.

The last thing I want is someone telling me to 'come on', 'get behind the team', 'give it up', etc, etc. Anyway, he only continues a long tradition of awful PA guys at City. There was the rag who fecked off to United, a couple of other far too enthusiastic ones who thought they were comparing a 10 year old's birthday party and that bald bloke from Key 103 who came on at half time and spouted a load of shite.

In fact, get rid of the lot of them.

I can see with my own eyes who is on the pitch. If others can't then they want to try watching the team a bit more and paying attention. I can also live with someone shouting shite whilst some fat, attention seeking blokes, z list celebs or kids try to kick a ball through a bouncy castle and I won't die if someone doesn't tell me what the score is at half time or that it's Dick Head's 40th birthyday today and he's sat in the South Stand.

Feck the lot of it off.

The only ones I will put up with are Vince Miller, because he sang Blue Moon when getting relegated and the bloke from Rochdale who annouced Karim Kerkar as "Er.............. er....... er.......... er............... Ken Carr".

Now he had the right idea. None of this childish, put your hands in the air shite. He couldn't even be bothered to check who was playing.

Made me laugh that, also made me e-mail the club with the request that they give JMA the job of PA
I thought the new PA guy was quality, I hope he is there the rest of the season. He really lifted things and I felt did a great job in the face of the usual apathy from those fans that bothered to turn up.

Really pissing me off the part time nature of our support. The attendance was sh*t can't believe that only 20 odd thousand turned up after the investment the club have made and yet we will have over 40,000 come the Wolves game.

Pains me to say it but our support is nothing short of sh*te, watching the Celtic fans today and they know the meaning of support and getting behind your team and having a laugh irresepective of the performance or score. Our 'fans' could learn a thing or to about supporting your team from that today
i hope the old pa guy is just on holiday, i love the way when he reads out the united team he whispers there names so we can all whistle loudly
trublue55 said:
Absolute tosser, managed to totally annoy me within seconds, good job the twat didnt repeat his half-time antics at full time......................And Todays FINAL SCORE is..........................
If i never hear him again, it will be too soon

He did shout the final score

When he introduced the team before kick off he just read out the names of the new players no pause and welcome to on his City debut to....... Total PRICK and he is not the Wembley guy, doubt he's a City fan

He doesn't understand what a microphone is for saves you shouting!!!

The PA system is still useless, especially on the third tier where you cannot talk to the person next to you when the PA is running was promised it would be sorted but it hasn't
kramer said:
trublue55 said:
Absolute tosser, managed to totally annoy me within seconds, good job the twat didnt repeat his half-time antics at full time......................And Todays FINAL SCORE is..........................
If i never hear him again, it will be too soon

He did shout the final score

When he introduced the team before kick off he just read out the names of the new players no pause and welcome to on his City debut to....... Total PRICK and he is not the Wembley guy, doubt he's a City fan

He doesn't understand what a microphone is for saves you shouting!!!

The PA system is still useless, especially on the third tier where you cannot talk to the person next to you when the PA is running was promised it would be sorted but it hasn't
he is a city fan, go to page 5/6 on this thread

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