Todays pa guy

Announcer for Celtic game I thought was quite upbeat. I hated the way he kept calling us "City" though. I dont know why, I just prefer the Manchester in front occasionally.

I also like the way that he announced the ref and assistants. That is a perfect chance for us to show them what we think and maybe put a bit of pressure on them :P
ono said:
The should give the job to Jason Manford. Be fucking quality that would.

dont thinkthe players would like him after what he said about footy players at the apollo =) (i understand it was a joke)
I didn't mind the guy doing it yesterday, had a far less annoying voice than the usual one.

But he could improve in a few ways, learning the players names and squad numbers would help. After the first time he said 'Number 37, Shay Given you would have thought someone would have said, 'actually mate, he's number 1 now.' But he carried on doing it all afternoon.

I think the reason behind calling us 'City' was part of the way the club wants the brand of City to be more prominent, eg us being the only City as far as other supporters and the media are concerned, could see why he was doing it but I agree with other posters that it's nice to hear 'Manchester City.' At a Stadium tour Cheesy said that him and another annoucer used to refer to the rags as 'Man United' then say 'Manchester City' little victories I know but thought that was funny.

I'd like to see the guy from yesterday given another go at it but he would need to improve, just looks unprofessional if you can't get names and squad numbers right.
chrisi said:
kramer said:
He did shout the final score

When he introduced the team before kick off he just read out the names of the new players no pause and welcome to on his City debut to....... Total PRICK and he is not the Wembley guy, doubt he's a City fan

He doesn't understand what a microphone is for saves you shouting!!!

The PA system is still useless, especially on the third tier where you cannot talk to the person next to you when the PA is running was promised it would be sorted but it hasn't
he is a city fan, go to page 5/6 on this thread

"yawn" What? I said doubt because I don't know the guy. IF, he is a blue then he needs to do some homework, having to wait to see the screen before he knew who was coming off going on, also not knowing Shay's now number one. IMHO the normal guy is far more professional and sorted whereas the guy yesterday sounded like the one who was doing the halftime for Key103 a few years ago, a gobshite but thats just IMHO yawn

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