Today's shooting in America thread

Trump condemning bigotry and using the God card, but not a hint of gun control.

For the supposed most advanced country in the world they are amazingly backward and stupid when it comes to guns, they have not advanced since the days of the Wild West.
The issue is that the legal proliferation of them to this point makes it nearly impossible to rein them in now because no one wants the inevitable bloodbath between those who refuse to relinquish them and law enforcement/military attempting to confiscate them. Tens of thousands of Americans would barricade themselves in their homes rather than give up their firearms. I am not joking. It really comes down to that. It's on par with slavery as a dividing point. Repeal of 2A would result in Civil War 2.
Fucking weirdos.
Trump probably isn't a straightforward racist

But he uses racism to further his agenda

And it's no surprise that when he says something inflammatory one or two of the hundreds of millions of Americans will take that as a green light
200 mass shootings in America in the last 18 months - 85% done by the radical right.

Who has radicalised these people ?

I agree with the comment that his actions,and lack of,have stirred up the problems we see everyday in America,and that he is happy for that to continue as much of his support stems from people with radical/extreme belief.

Trump could,if he chose,be a man who made the difference.....he could amend gun laws,or even abolish the ease at which they are owned and obtained,but he wont because,as has been said,these are 'his' people,and without them he wouldn't be in office.
Trump probably isn't a straightforward racist

But he uses racism to further his agenda

And it's no surprise that when he says something inflammatory one or two of the hundreds of millions of Americans will take that as a green light
Bang on.
NRA didn't even bother with "thoughts and prayers" this time around.

Back when the US constitution was written a gun could shoot about 2 rounds a minute. I don't think its writers envisaged a world where people would be running around with AK47's. Should I have the "right to bear" a Nuclear Weapon if I so choose?

It's absurd - but if Republicans want to keep blaming "mental illness" (It's always "mental illness" when its a white man, I never saw anyone seriously considering whether the 9/11 hijackers did what they did because they couldn't access adequate mental health resources) that's fine too. That would mean that we should actually invest money in improving mental health access for people who don't have it. Medicare for all or the expansion of Medicaid in the states that don't already have it would assist with that.
Trump condemning bigotry and using the God card, but not a hint of gun control.

For the supposed most advanced country in the world they are amazingly backward and stupid when it comes to guns, they have not advanced since the days of the Wild West.
What gets me is hiding behind laws meant for an uncivilized time where whoever had the biggest gun had the last word. The argument that it is hard to get a gun i find an offense to humanity to. Hard compared to where, fucking somalia?

You are spot on, they have not pushed on in society nearly enough in this regard.

The amount of people who if not having a gun would see them and others alive this day makes me weep almost. Some 19yo who has a bad time and goes on a rampage. If he could not get that gun they likely just get pissed and brick their exes window. Something they can smile and cringe about 20 years in the future when they have kids and would never dream of shooting someone. It seems so easy to see red and grab a gun in the USA.

I do accept a lot of these are well planned pre meditated attacks but if the guns were not there then no mass shootings.

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