Today's shooting in America thread

NRA didn't even bother with "thoughts and prayers" this time around.

Back when the US constitution was written a gun could shoot about 2 rounds a minute. I don't think its writers envisaged a world where people would be running around with AK47's. Should I have the "right to bear" a Nuclear Weapon if I so choose?

It's absurd - but if Republicans want to keep blaming "mental illness" (It's always "mental illness" when its a white man, I never saw anyone seriously considering whether the 9/11 hijackers did what they did because they couldn't access adequate mental health resources) that's fine too. That would mean that we should actually invest money in improving mental health access for people who don't have it. Medicare for all or the expansion of Medicaid in the states that don't already have it would assist with that.

It was also a 'well regulated militia' which is the bit that people seem to forget.... because the moment someone tries to regulate it .... all hell breaks loose
I'm not sure what the difference is between a straightforward racist and a not straightforward racist.

I'm also wondering how it's possible to tell the difference between a racist and someone who acts like one. Surely the act of doing racist things is sufficient to demonstrate that he is one.

Maybe @FantasyIreland can explain.
Chances are, if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck......
Yes,i've read the comments,and his chosen words were incredibly naive and unwise........ but how did they 'demonise'?
He didn't. We just have ideologues on both sides who can't speak without letting their ideology through. It's sad really.
I agree with the comment that his actions,and lack of,have stirred up the problems we see everyday in America,and that he is happy for that to continue as much of his support stems from people with radical/extreme belief.

Trump could,if he chose,be a man who made the difference.....he could amend gun laws,or even abolish the ease at which they are owned and obtained,but he wont because,as has been said,these are 'his' people,and without them he wouldn't be in office.
Actually, he cant. And that's the reason I don't take the people attacking Trump seriously on this issue. Trump had little power here. Congress had the power to do something.

That said, can we leave Trump bashing on the Trumpistan thread? It belittles the seriousness of this issue all together.

Unfortunately, as far as guns are concerned. It will be really tough to fix the problem. There are many issues to contend with and there aren't many compromising politicians to get the ball rolling... So we are stuck btw 2 purveyors of ideology with no where to go :(
I don't take the people attacking Trump seriously on this issue. Trump had little power here.
Well he could always stop stirring up racial tensions, that may not encourage such white supremacist lunatics so much.
Well he could always stop stirring up racial tensions, that may not encourage such white supremacist lunatics so much.
Power to seriously affect gun rights regulations. Come on man. You are smart enough to understand what I said in the context in which it was said. :(
He didn't. We just have ideologues on both sides who can't speak without letting their ideology through. It's sad really.

Actually, he cant. And that's the reason I don't take the people attacking Trump seriously on this issue. Trump had little power here. Congress had the power to do something.

That said, can we leave Trump bashing on the Trumpistan thread? It belittles the seriousness of this issue all together.

Unfortunately, as far as guns are concerned. It will be really tough to fix the problem. There are many issues to contend with and there aren't many compromising politicians to get the ball rolling... So we are stuck btw 2 purveyors of ideology with no where to go :(
I don’t take you seriously either. You come across as a Trump supporter who hasn’t got the bottle to admit it.
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