Today's shooting in America thread

I’m guessing you don’t get challenged much in your life, and when you do you don’t like it.
What the fuck are you on about? I’ve spoken to you about your CAPS LOCK posting style at least half a dozen times over the years. It’s annoying. It will always be annoying and it’s annoying even when you use them in a post where I agree with the content.

What is funny is the fact that it’s patently obvious that it is actually you that can’t stand being challenged and you’re very obviously projecting. Yesterday I didn’t bother reading your long reply to me on the gun topic subject because I know you’d carry on until such time as you had the last word. So I decided I’d wasted enough bandwidth reading and replying and skipped past it.

Then I make an innocuous comment about YOUR POSTING style and you lose your shit again. Is this because you’re a pilot and used to everyone being forced to do as you say and agree with you? Does it upset you don’t get to play god in each thread like you manage when you’re in your (air) bus driver role?

I couldn’t care less if you think I make it easy or hard to not be an enemy of yours. You take up zero percent of my thinking time apart from when I’m having to reply to you yet again. But once Ric brings in the double blind Twitter style block function then I’ll be doing us both a favour.
More hyperbolic nonsense, but you carry on screaming into the abyss!

Loose language not only creates confusion, it makes you sound like a know nothing tit!
Fuck off. And you can claim an AR-15 is only semi automatic (and therefore not an assault rifle) all you want but it is an assault rifle for all intents and purposes.

It just doesn’t have the ability to fire in fully automatic mode. But anyone that’s served in the forces would know that 99/100 it is not advised to use an assault rifle in anything other than semi-automatic mode as there’s no need to. And an AR-15 fires the same ammunition at the same muzzle speeds designed to breakup and tumble inside the human body. The same ammunition designed exactly to kill.

Off you pop.
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Because they’re scared. Scared of not having “insurance” to protect themselves if they need it, or because they’re afraid that others will perceive them as soft and/or vulnerable, whether those others threaten them or not. I’d suggest it’s more often the latter than the former in the case of open-carry.
Or in the case of my former co-worker.... scares of being called a socialist or a liberal (most think both are the same)

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