Today's shooting in America thread

Fuck off. And you can claim an AR-15 is only semi automatic (and therefore not an assault rifle) all you want but it is an assault rifle for all intents and purposes.

It just doesn’t have the ability to fire in fully automatic mode. But anyone that’s served in the forces would know that 99/100 it is not advised to use an assault rifle in anything other than semi-automatic mode as there’s no need to. And an AR-15 fires the same ammunition at the same muzzle speeds designed to breakup and tumble inside the human body. The same ammunition designed exactly to kill.

Off you pop.
“….for all intents and purposes” only works in your mind. It is exactly that kind of thinking that never moves the discussion forward and makes people run to their corners.

That aside, you were obviously forced to admit it was bollocks, then used HuffPo to bolster your continued insistence that you were right! Schizophrenic much?!

As I have previously stated, I’m all in favor of gun control…very strict gun control…but until you can parse any legislative language such that you can capture guns like the AR-15 (which are designed to do exactly what you say), then it’s all hyperbolic nonsense that will never change anything.

The mechanical parts of an AR-15 are the same basic parts as a Glock 19 handgun…and only a crazy person would try to ban the sale of handguns. The parts that aren’t are often plastic add-ons that are almost impossible to legislate, esp considering you can 3D print all of them at home!

Living here, I can call it all crazy and blame stupid Americans and scream into the abyss with the best of them, but it doesn’t change anything in the news.

I’d have thought an intelligent discussion of the issues would be best if we could all understand, and use, common and correct terminology, as it aids in identifying the seemingly intractable problems faced by those seeking solutions.
Then I make an innocuous comment about YOUR POSTING style and you lose your shit again.

It’s actually “your posting STYLE.” :-)

You put the emphasis on the wrong part.

As to “losing my shit,” I can only laugh. I haven’t lost my shit in many years. This is an Internet forum ffs, and not worth losing anything over.

As for the “Captain” nonsense, you don’t get to be married for 35 years if you bring that shit out of the cockpit, and 99% of the time you don’t need to assert it there, either!

It’s a legal thing, so you not only don’t need to throw it around at work, but it doesn’t work the minute you leave the workplace. We all learn that very early on.

Being right or wrong has nothing to do with being a Captain and everything to do with facts.
Can’t you just slingshot a block of ice or a frozen bottle of maple syrup? And is it a legal requirement to apologise after you do it?
Eh ?

That aside, you were obviously forced to admit it was bollocks,
Stopped reading here as I did nothing of the sort. I’ve no desire to read anything else you write. An AR-15 is an assault rifle in every aspect other than not being fully automatic. You can be as much a pedantic **** as you want but I won’t agree.

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