Tonight's caption competition

Me and you are so alike states kolo.we are so underpaid for what we do it's untrue.not like them poxy football fans who fuck around all day on forums doing caption competitions,moaning and groaning about this and that..Then they have the barefaced cheek to complain about rising prices of football. The Mard, lazy good for nothings!
"I sold some of that khat plant to xmusampa and he's still buzzing hit tits off" exclaimed city's part time footballer and professional herbalist.<br /><br />-- Fri May 31, 2013 10:33 am --<br /><br />I could never have been a fireman explains kolo as I have a great fear of heights.Even getting two feet off the floor is difficult at times.
Chuck berry comes to mind states kolo.what with your fire thing going on and my great b...s !
After years of being pampered and preened as a professional footballer kolo realised on day one of his first real job that there was more to this making a cup of tea malarky than he'd imagined!

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