Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....{merged}

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Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

kiam06 said:
Son Of Blue said:
Seriously kiam, give it a fucking rest. people support football teams for their own reasons and go to the games they can, again for their OWN reasons.

As long as you are happy with you're own commitment to the team, why are you so obsessed with what other fans are doing??

I say again, I go to watch City and honestly couldn't give a fuck if i'm the only one there. I go for my own pleasure.

Try spending your time watching the footy rather than counting the crowd and seething over the empty seats.

Because for the first time in my life the club has a chance of some success , I do not want to risk losing that chance because fans couldn't be arsed turning up. It will have an effect on the players and on our owners who will not be impressed.
The games are won on the pitch, not in the stands. There is no provable correlation between % stadium capacity attendance rate and performance. I can assure you that Hughes will not be using the crowd size as an excuse when he is bollocking his players after today's inept display. Conversely, our wise owners will not be factoring in early season league cup games into balancing the books.
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

Bluemoon115 said:
kiam06 said:
Not some fans, 23,000 were missing!!!!!!

Can't you see its a total joke, maybe 10-15% decrease but 50% is not right, 50% of fans can't have valid reasons for not going tonight I will not have it.

Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, big man.
What r u gonna do ?

Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

I wasted my time, effort and money going and often wondered why I did as I slumped in my chair for 2 hours. There were only 4 other regular people in our block that I recognised. Do I care? No is the answer. I go when I can and I'm sure others are the same. The only reason I went to tonight was because my mate (who isn't a City fan) suggested it as something to do rather than sit in. I don't see what the big fuss is about people not going to an early round Carling Cup game. I'm sure if it was a semi final then we'd see a different outcome. But until then lets stop bitching and whinging at any little thing we can cause it's very fucking boring.
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

still waiting Kiam, answer my questions you fucking hypocrite.

You have made yourself look a complete and utter knobhead tonight, well done.

Still waiting......................
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

Swales lives said:
Oi!!! Victor Kiam, if you love the club so much, why don't you buy it!!!!

I will put an offer in.
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

kiam06 said:
I will not have it.
I suspect you've never had it, that might be your problem :)

Seriously though you really are making yourself look a cock here.

You went, so be happy for yourself, you never answered my "how old" question but I'm guessing quite young, there are a million reasons why people don't go to game a, b, or c, but its down to personal choice. If you were above 18 in 2002, were you at Groclin away (google is your friend here), if not then don't call others out for lack of loyalty.

Take a deep breath, go to bed, and come back and read this tomorrow, you really haven't made yourself look good. It was the original post that got peoples backs up, because you don't have the right to judge others, and you did, just cos mummy bought you a ticket tonight doesn't make you City's number 1 fan.
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

Bilboblue said:
still waiting Kiam, answer my questions you fucking hypocrite.

You have made yourself look a complete and utter knobhead tonight, well done.

Still waiting......................

Answered them earlier.
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

Bilboblue said:
still waiting Kiam, answer my questions you fucking hypocrite.

You have made yourself look a complete and utter knobhead tonight, well done.

Still waiting......................

I'm sure he would have told you if you'd gone the match...
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