Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....{merged}

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Re: Dear Kiam...

Dear Kiam,
I'm very sorry I was unable to join you at the match. Unfortunately due to the time difference the game took place between 4am and 6am local time here in Sanya. With a great circle distance of 6059 miles between COMS and my place of work I would have had to travel at over 3000 mph to make it to work on time. As we currently do not have the technology to achieve this average speed I had no choice but to miss the game. I look forward to the day when appropriate transport is available at which time I will see you at every match.

Until then please accept my apology and go fuck yourself.

Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

My kids didn't go last night due to the fact that their father was too tight to buy them each a ticket (despite him buying himself one). I hope they hang their heads in shame!!!
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

emilymcfc said:
This thread is embarrassing to read as a City fan, hearing people squabble and trying to justify why they went to the game and why they didn't. Nobody should have to justify themselves or be subject to ridicule or hatred if their answer is met with distain.

I agree, in principle, to the issue that Kiam was trying to highlight. But so many people have a variety of various other commitments that stand in the way of attending (mainly) night matches and people who have these issues shouldn't be questioned whatsoever. Whether it be children and a school night, cashflow problems, other arrangements that you can't get out of...they are unquestionable. But for people who say they just couldn't be arsed...if you had the cash and just couldn't be arsed then shame on you. Where's the definition of loyalty in that? And where's the definition of loyalty in saying you will attend the Cup Final but won't bother going to any of the games in the lead-up to that? You should want to and be happy to go and support your football team at all times, whether it be the Premier League, the Carling Cup, the F.A. Cup and so on. Will you be saying 'ah I can't be arsed' when the rags come to Eastlands in April? I highly doubt it...

I think the club should implement some kind of system, based on loyalty points, for the Cup games, to try and encourage supporters to attend (and no, not the recent direct debit scheme, something where you get the first couple of rounds free for season tickets and perhaps an elevated price as we progress).

I'm not bothered if anybody shoots me down for writing my opinion. I have no job and am struggling on jobseekers allowance after graduating from university during the recession (and I job hunt every single day). It was a struggle to pay for my season ticket this year and I went last night because almost every single penny of my jobseekers goes towards following City (I'm lucky that I still live at home with hardly any bills in that respect). I was bored senseless with the football on show last night's City and I went. There was a time when I went to every game home and away, and in Europe, but money now permits that. I have to watch the majority of away games on Sky Sports or Iraq Goals (lol) until my personal situation gets better. So whether you went to Schalke, or Lincoln away, or Wembley in 1999, don't use those games as a weapon in this vacuous thread, you don't need to justify your support. Just show it whenever you possibly can.

Mark Hughes is showing respect to the Cup by fielding his full-strength side, shouldn't we show the same respect and try to show our full-strength support when it permits us too?

Ah that's a great post, A GREAT POST I TELLS YA.
Re: Dear Kiam...

mancitymick said:
Dear Kiam

Can you fix it for me to have my season ticket paid for for life. This was I may be as big a fan than you



aged 4 and 3/4


You have been banned for life and your username changed to:

The county Plastic banning debt.

*Note: The reason why you've got a life ban is because you are four and I'm probably slightly taller than you.
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

emilymcfc said:
This thread is embarrassing to read as a City fan, hearing people squabble and trying to justify why they went to the game and why they didn't. Nobody should have to justify themselves or be subject to ridicule or hatred if their answer is met with distain.

I agree, in principle, to the issue that Kiam was trying to highlight. But so many people have a variety of various other commitments that stand in the way of attending (mainly) night matches and people who have these issues shouldn't be questioned whatsoever. Whether it be children and a school night, cashflow problems, other arrangements that you can't get out of...they are unquestionable. But for people who say they just couldn't be arsed...if you had the cash and just couldn't be arsed then shame on you. Where's the definition of loyalty in that? And where's the definition of loyalty in saying you will attend the Cup Final but won't bother going to any of the games in the lead-up to that? You should want to and be happy to go and support your football team at all times, whether it be the Premier League, the Carling Cup, the F.A. Cup and so on. Will you be saying 'ah I can't be arsed' when the rags come to Eastlands in April? I highly doubt it...

I think the club should implement some kind of system, based on loyalty points, for the Cup games, to try and encourage supporters to attend (and no, not the recent direct debit scheme, something where you get the first couple of rounds free for season tickets and perhaps an elevated price as we progress).

I'm not bothered if anybody shoots me down for writing my opinion. I have no job and am struggling on jobseekers allowance after graduating from university during the recession (and I job hunt every single day). It was a struggle to pay for my season ticket this year and I went last night because almost every single penny of my jobseekers goes towards following City (I'm lucky that I still live at home with hardly any bills in that respect). I was bored senseless with the football on show last night's City and I went. There was a time when I went to every game home and away, and in Europe, but money now permits that. I have to watch the majority of away games on Sky Sports or Iraq Goals (lol) until my personal situation gets better. So whether you went to Schalke, or Lincoln away, or Wembley in 1999, don't use those games as a weapon in this vacuous thread, you don't need to justify your support. Just show it whenever you possibly can.

Mark Hughes is showing respect to the Cup by fielding his full-strength side, shouldn't we show the same respect and try to show our full-strength support when it permits us too?

I give you total respect for doing your best to get to games in hard times, Ive been there myself mate.
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

these threads make me laugh.

I went but i couldnt care who else went to be honest. Actually thats a lie, the dickhead in the north stand singing racist songs about the jews i would rather he stayed at home!!

Im lucky i can afford to go to the vast majority of games, but understand why people cant and dont go.
Re: Dear Kiam...

Sorry i could`nt make last night kiam....but i brought you this little pressie ..PLEASE FORGIVE ME

Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

Kiam, you have found a true hero there. Well done sir.

Now have a thought for the ones who wanted to go, who couldn't. Then, maybe just think to yourself about how arrogant you've come across from page 1 onwards. Calling people a joke because they didn't want to go is piss poor. It's too much football for some people. My mate at work goes home and away for league matches, has no kids, lives in a nice house in Cheadle and can afford any game if he wants, but he tells me its just too much arsing about for league cup games. What is your opinion of my mate Kiam?
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

Didsbury Dave said:
kiam06 said:
Looks like the stay aways got the rocket up there arses that they deserve. Maybe you will get to COM's for the next round of the cup.

You really think that thread on here from some naive tubthumper will influence anyone's decisions about anything?

Not only are you arrogant and immature, you are deluded too.

The 38 pages of replies would indicate a few people are thinking about the point I made.
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

My car was pointing the wrong way, I think I'm excused.
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