Too petty?

When my first was born, it was quite a tough birth.

In the end my wife had to have forceps to ensure a safe delivery.

When the little bastard popped out, he was red from head to toe.

I gave the little fucker up for adoption immediately.

The wife understood, eventually.
BlueTurban said:
Ive not had a fag since dinner because the only lighter to hand is my rag of a mother in laws red one! Fuck that! I dont own ANYTHING red!

I went for a blood transfusion, cos I couldn't stand the thought that it was red....They said I was ok cos it was blue anyway..
I worked for AIG for 6 weeks, they then announced the sponsorship and I left. The twats never mentioned it on the training course!
anymore than 2sheiks said:
We're looking for a new carpet and the wife suggested going to united carpets.I told her i wouldn't set foot in the fucking place even if they were giving them away.She's already banned from buying persil because years ago one of their adverts showed a kids bedroom with rag posters on the wall.It might be childish,but theres a principle at stake.

Dosnt de niro sell carpets??
Probably only blue ones though...
I dappelled in a little bit of graphic design for a while... I turned down one job because it was for a mob called United Martial Arts... Yeah no thanks mate.
so if any news paper dosnt print a possitive report on city we should ban it!
anyfan not agreeing should be shot and cremated whilst being covered from head to toe in the colours of the world best team tm.
or anyone not mancunian should be band from entering manchester or its districts, . ffs ban everything RANT OVER.. have a nice day!
My missus has just gone off to buy blue lights for the Christmas tree. Homebase suppiled free lights with the tree but she refused to take them. You can guess what colour they were...

I had this argument with a good mate of mine who told me that I was being petty, a few years back, when I refused to use his Vodafone phone. I argued back that if they wanted the kudos of being associated with the rags, then they shouldn't be surprised when there's an equivalent backlash, should they?

We're not alone, by the way. There was a case, in the 90's when Sunderland fans refused, en masse, to but Sugar Puffs because Alan (he's not the messiah, he's a very boring boy) Shearer appeared in a TV ad for the stuff.
I forgot about this one.

My mate Frank (RIP) was a big off-piste skiier. Every year he went without fail to the Alps, running bigger and bigger risks. He was a mad blue as well, loved City even more than skiing.

Obviously when you are going way off-piste you have to be very careful. The first point of safety is to have a working mobile phone with you. One day he was going right up to the glacier at Val D-Iseres and he was worried because his own mobile was a bit dodgy, it had rebooted itself a couple of times. You cannot take any risks in these situations - avalanches happen all the time in the region and off-piste skiiers lose their life every winter.

He borried a mobile phone from a friend and stuffed it in his pocket without looking too carefully at wo the contract was with. He trusted his friend, you see.

Yes, that day there was an avalanche which broke his leg but didn't bury him. All he needed to do was call out the mountain rescue to come and get him. He got out the phone and.....

You can probably guess the rest.

RIP Frank. City Til He Died.

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