Top Facts About Glauber Berti

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

Glauber Berti, (I wouldn't piss him off)
Glauber may be in line to star in a hit film called "Why does nobody know me" which is due to be released in 2010.

It follows the lines of the hit Film DUEL from the 70s, you know the maniac guy who drove the truck, the guy existed and was a good driver (or bad depending on opinion) but you never got to see him. The same applies to our Glauber we think he exists but we don't know whether he is good, bad, ugly or all 3 or is he better than Vass???!!!!
glauber berti can only say 2 words in the english language 1) combine harvester 2) antidisestablishmentarianism

glauber berti's skin is made out of bisto and custard
Glauber Berti Can Tie Velcro Trainers
Glauber Berti Once Nut-Megd The Whole Brazil Team During A Training Session(And A Man In A Wheel Chair)
Glauber Berti Laughes At The Impossible Is Nothing Advert, Claiming Impossible IS Glauber Berti
Glauber Berti Once Had A Leg Amputated, Only To Grow One Back
Glauber Berti Created The "Cup of Tea"
Glauber Berti Is Mr Blobby
Glauber Berti Is The Banker From "deal or no deal"
Glauber is thinking of joining himself literally at the hip with Darius.
They would then be called DARGLAUBER VASSBERTI which has a kinda good ring to it.

They are then both hoping that people will start recognising them everywhere & their will be no excuses for Vass fluffing 1 on 1's as it would be now 2 on 1's.
Glauber Berti is too good to play in a team. He is so good he only plays with himself.

Glauber Berti sits in the upper house, under the name Lord Hammercy.

Glauber Berti wrote the Lionel Richie song "Hello" especially for Hughes.

Glauber Berti is the reason for the season.

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