Tory HQ getting smashed up

The students tried to stop fee increases through democratic means, by voting for the Liberals.
Obviously this system doesn't work. What else was expected?

"Silence never won rights. They are not handed down from above; they are forced by pressures from below".
billy_big_spuds said:
A riot isn't a riot without looting.
I want it to go off in town one time, gonna put my head through curry's window and run up market street with a 50inch 3d tv laughing hysterically.
I've already planned my shopping list for when a big riot kicks off in Manchester...

Mac (one of the laptop ones and a desktop thingy one)
Another iPod
iPhone x2
Some other phones
XBOX 360
Some other gadget shit
Pot Noodle
Bog roll
Panda pop
Daviesmcfc said:
MetalBlue said:
I shake my head at the whole thing.

£50,000 in debt. so what? they will earn, somewhere between £250,000 to £310,000 more than the equivalent non-graduate over a working lifetime, why shouldn't the benefactor pay?

I don't get this argument of "poor" people now not going to be able to afford to go to uni, like the majority of students they borrow the money off the state to cover fees, that will still remain the case, no?
People from wealthy backgrounds will be able to pay it back quickly and tehrefore pay little interest whereas people from poorer backgrounds will be crippled with debt.

Ok so everyone, who wants to, can still "afford" to go to uni, that's good.

Yes some very wealthy people (probably the top 2% of the country) may be able to re-pay this money on behalf of their children but then why would they? Isn't the "debt" repayed by the uni grad before tax comes out? so why would anybodies parent use money they have already paid tax on to repay this "debt", effectively they would be paying 30-40% more, for no good reason, and rich people tend not to be stupid with money. So I expect 99% of all "UK resident" uni students will be in the same boat.

At the end of the day this country is/was spending 25% more than it "earned", things have had to change for most, I don't see why students think they should be a special case and not pay for something they will benefit from.
Blue Smarties said:
billy_big_spuds said:
A riot isn't a riot without looting.
I want it to go off in town one time, gonna put my head through curry's window and run up market street with a 50inch 3d tv laughing hysterically.
I've already planned my shopping list for when a big riot kicks off in Manchester...

Mac (one of the laptop ones and a desktop thingy one)
Another iPod
iPhone x2
Some other phones
XBOX 360
Some other gadget shit
Pot Noodle
Bog roll
Panda pop

Most of which these 'poor' students already have!
Skashion said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Most of which these 'poor' students already have!
The middle class ones certainly.

They all seem to have Mini Coopers with gay racing stripes up here, wankers.

And don't get me started on those four-eyed bobble-hatted bints who ride their shit looking 'retro-style' bikes at me on the pavement every morning. Your bike isn't 'kitsch' or 'ironic', nor does it make you look quirky and interesting. You look like a twat. Get a proper fucking bike (that says BMX on it) and ride it on the road. Hopefully, get chinned by a bread van while you're at it. We'll then see how your 'on-trend' Marks and Sparks tea cosy looks after your shit-filled noggin.

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