Tory HQ getting smashed up

every time a protest march turns violent if you look at the placards the protesters carry there always seems to be " socialist worker against........". fuckin wankers. none of em ever have done a days work in their lives, parasites
Education is a right, not a priveledge. Why should only wealthy people afford an education? This will create masive rich- poor divides in society. Yet again showing the Conservatives don't give a Sh*t about the poor.
Daviesmcfc said:
Education is a right, nto a priveledge. Why should only wealthy people afford an education? This will create masive rich- poor divides in society. Yet again showing the Conservatives don't give a Sh*t about the poor.
true, but where do you draw the line? uni for a BA or masters or doctorate
JULES said:
Daviesmcfc said:
Education is a right, nto a priveledge. Why should only wealthy people afford an education? This will create masive rich- poor divides in society. Yet again showing the Conservatives don't give a Sh*t about the poor.
true, but where do you draw the line? uni for a BA or masters or doctorate
As far as it needs to go.
I'm not saying a free education, but I am saying a reduced price.

I personally think there are too many students who go to Uni just for the sake of it so Uni's need to be more selective.

However it is ridiculous for them to use price as a means of being selective.

If I finish Uni I'll have the best part of 50 grand to pay back, that's ridiculous.
Yet again poor people will suffer the most.
Daviesmcfc said:
JULES said:
true, but where do you draw the line? uni for a BA or masters or doctorate
As far as it needs to go.
I'm not saying a free education, but I am saying a reduced price.

I personally think there are too many students who go to Uni just for the sake of it so Uni's need to be more selective.

However it is ridiculous for them to use price as a means of being selective.

If I finish Uni I'll have the best part of 50 grand to pay back, that's ridiculous.
Yet again poor people will suffer the most.

But you only start paying it back once you're earning £21,000 per year and the BBC worked out the other day someone earning £25,000 per year would pay back approx £30 per month. Hardly excessive is it really?

We have a Free education system in this country at school and college but if you choose to gain further education that is likely to vastly increase your earning potential, shouldn't you pay for that investment?
Yeah should of burnt the place down...good on the students about time they took to the streets.....your living in cuckoo land if you think a peaceful protest will get you anywhere.
KpxSte said:
Daviesmcfc said:
As far as it needs to go.
I'm not saying a free education, but I am saying a reduced price.

I personally think there are too many students who go to Uni just for the sake of it so Uni's need to be more selective.

However it is ridiculous for them to use price as a means of being selective.

If I finish Uni I'll have the best part of 50 grand to pay back, that's ridiculous.
Yet again poor people will suffer the most.

But you only start paying it back once you're earning £21,000 per year and the BBC worked out the other day someone earning £25,000 per year would pay back approx £30 per month. Hardly excessive is it really?

We have a Free education system in this country at school and college but if you choose to gain further education that is likely to vastly increase your earning potential, shouldn't you pay for that investment?
But people from poorer backgrounds will have to pay far higher levels of interest than those from richer backgrounds.

It is indeed excessive as many people will take their whole working careers to pay that amount back.

What's even worse is the Tories continue to let Lord Ashcroft not pay the millions upon billions of pounds he owes this country as well as Phillip Green. Furthermore they are continuing to pay huge bonuses to the bankers who got us into this mess.
That is where the money for universities should come from, not the students.

This will stop many potenital doctors/ surgeons, and high skilled people achieving their ambition because they can't afford it.

We also pump money into a pointless war in Afghanistan, why not take the money from that?
Daviesmcfc said:
But people from poorer backgrounds will have to pay far higher levels of interest than those from richer backgrounds.

It is indeed excessive as many people will take their whole working careers to pay that amount back.

What's even worse is the Tories continue to let Lord Ashcroft not pay the millions upon billions of pounds he owes this country as well as Phillip Green. Furthermore they are continuing to pay huge bonuses to the bankers who got us into this mess.
That is where the money for universities should come from, not the students.

This will stop many potenital doctors/ surgeons, and high skilled people achieving their ambition because they can't afford it.

We also pump money into a pointless war in Afghanistan, why not take the money from that?

Why will "poorer people" have to pay much higher levels of interest?

If you had the choice between working in tesco's for £15k with normal income tax or being a doctor earning £60k and paying slightly more income tax to cover the cost of your "investment", would you choose not to go to university?
KpxSte said:
Daviesmcfc said:
But people from poorer backgrounds will have to pay far higher levels of interest than those from richer backgrounds.

It is indeed excessive as many people will take their whole working careers to pay that amount back.

What's even worse is the Tories continue to let Lord Ashcroft not pay the millions upon billions of pounds he owes this country as well as Phillip Green. Furthermore they are continuing to pay huge bonuses to the bankers who got us into this mess.
That is where the money for universities should come from, not the students.

This will stop many potenital doctors/ surgeons, and high skilled people achieving their ambition because they can't afford it.

We also pump money into a pointless war in Afghanistan, why not take the money from that?

Why will "poorer people" have to pay much higher levels of interest?

If you had the choice between working in tesco's for £15k with normal income tax or being a doctor earning £60k and paying slightly more income tax to cover the cost of your "investment", would you choose not to go to university?
People from welathy backgrounds will be able to pay the debt off straight away, thus avoiding high levels of interest.
Whereas poorer people won't.

Blame these tw*ts... tory written all over them.

That said though, the guy right at the back looks like he's tryna be Liam Gallagher

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