Tottenham - EFL Cup Final | Pre-Match Thread

Result Prediction

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The team selection is very problematic due to sterling, Torres, Mendy etc being in such woeful form. Sterling has been a passenger for weeks and looks like his head is up his arse.
Simply put it this trio starts we may struggle, also 4 games on the spin now we've conceded the 1st goal, again do that tomorrow I doubt we will win.
Fuck rotation.
Team slection should be easy....none of those 3 should play at all until the league/cup is won.....

I dont buy into this they cant play a game every 3 this point in the season they can......granted they cant do it all season every season (though Klopps players managed it for 2 years nearly) but for what is 6-7 games yes they can manage it....

Mendy should be no where fucking near the squad let alone the starting 11...he is the most abysmal player Ive known since the takeover.....he cannt defend, his attacking prowess is a myth and he is a liability.....

Sterling is way off form and needs time out to get his head right...he has been fantastic for us for quite a few seasons but this season he has got steadily worse and worse....

Torres is a young kid in a new country and team - play him when the pressure is off, then decide if he is good enough. or not
Picks itself tomorrow
Laporte, Dias, Mendy, Cancelo.
Silva, Ferda, Gunda
Sterling, Torres, Marhez
My 14 year old self wants to beat the living shit out of Spurs for robbing us in 1981 and pissing on the only hope of seeing us win silverware id ever had as a young blue. Fuck Gary Mabbut, fuck Ardeiles, fuck Hoddle and fuck Ricky fucking Villa and most of all fuck these cockney mouth breathing cunts.
There, I feel better now.
Just don’t want sterling near the team . Mendy is shit but we all know that so it doesn’t hurt when he fucks up but sterling is showing a side to his game which I don’t agree with because I definitely think there has been a fall out with him and pep and this his way of getting over it . When a player loses form you can see they are pissed off but he just laughs when he fucks up . A lot of people won’t agree with this but it’s my opinion and I’m entitled to it .

His laughter when he fucks up is infuriating. Even to the point of blaming others. It’s not on. Compared to the likes of Berni and Foden who get annoyed with them self.
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