
trueblue gio said:
Spanish guy (I think) back of 101 asked the girl at the kiosk what was a meat and potato pie, she plainly answered its a pie with meat and potato, he then asked how do I eat it, with a straight face she just said you bite into it. He walked away with it held out infront of him to his mates who all stood around examining it. Was the funniest thing I have seen in ages. Perhaps we should be serving tapas for our new fans. 101 has loads of tourists every game (especially Bosnians). I don't have a problem with them, they have paid for the ticket and must have come wedged up for the weekend, its just a little surreal sometimes.

The night we played Juventus at home, we had popped into the chippy beforehand. Queuing up as the local coppers turned up with an Italian copper, who wanted everything explained to him. Funniest was mushy peas. He just looked completely & utterly baffled. So, so funny. I personally have no problem with "tourists" whatsoever. Always try & get a game in if poss wherever we go in the world. Half & half scarves is a completely different matter though. We should have half & half police who confiscate & sacrificially burn the offending items before every game.
I think we should set ourselves apart from the tribalistic die-hards of other clubs, we should welcome into the blue fold, and be thankful they've chosen City, over the scum, think of them as wanderers, who have now found home!!!
When I've been in the US on trips over the years, the one thing that has stuck with me, is the hospitality I've been shown, even in the hustle and bustle of NY at rush hour, people have stopped and chatted and helped us on our way when we've had maps out, even the cops were extremely friendly! They obviously have a great deal of pride in their respective Cities, I'd like to think we'd do the same! pride in spreading the Blue- Faith around the world.

You only have to look at the way the club is set up, the vast amounts of charity work they do around the world, they way they give back to communities, we've all seen the various projects City have undertaken, it's more than just a club,it's a philosophy on how to do it the right way, not to just leach the fans ( UTD, Arsenal) and exploit allegencies, yes there will be a certain amount of having to pay for the success, but the owners aren't in it to make vast amounts of money, hence the more than reasonable season ticket prices compared to others.

The new Academy will hopefully also continue and increase the community spirit, and show how the much derided "Holistic" approach is the right way! I may also add! we are top of the Fair Play league at the moment, UTD are second bottom.
TGR said:
Kippaxstreetheadache said:
mannycity said:
Put it quite simply really,a blue is a blue and anyone who chooses to support my team of 49 years,is more than welcome, buy into our heritage and enjoy everything about our club,

Went in the souvenir shop before the game at 1.15pm it was heaving was really surprised at the amount of visitors with foreign accents,sign of the times,then bring it on 60,000 can't wait.

To be entirely honest, I'd rather we didn't expand the stadium if the extra 12,000 seats were to be filled with day trippers and plastics.

The thought of our match-going fan base beginning to resemble that of Old Trafford doesn't sit particularly well with me in all honesty.

The fact is if we are going to get where we want to go then the tourists are required to part fund it.
We are no different to any other successful team - success equals tourists. They spend shit loads of cash and tbh apart
from the big games I think we may at times stuggle to fill 60,000 seats without them.
I agree we should not forget our roots and hopefully we won't but the march of progress for MCFC is well underway.
Get used to the tourists. Rejoice about them. Them coming to our stadium means we are now good!
I'm not one to agree with you, but spot on, sir.
Re: Tourists. Think we'll do likewise.

blueparrot said:
TGR said:
Kippaxstreetheadache said:
To be entirely honest, I'd rather we didn't expand the stadium if the extra 12,000 seats were to be filled with day trippers and plastics.

The thought of our match-going fan base beginning to resemble that of Old Trafford doesn't sit particularly well with me in all honesty.

The fact is if we are going to get where we want to go then the tourists are required to part fund it.
We are no different to any other successful team - success equals tourists. They spend shit loads of cash and tbh apart
from the big games I think we may at times stuggle to fill 60,000 seats without them.
I agree we should not forget our roots and hopefully we won't but the march of progress for MCFC is well underway.
Get used to the tourists. Rejoice about them. Them coming to our stadium means we are now good!

Barcelona are a team that attracts plenty of tourists I've been myself, but retain a strong sense of identity and keep their roots.Think we'll do likewise.

Great example especially with our 2 exiles from Barcelona in charge who understand heritage better then most
I don't have a problem with tourists, always better than an empty seat.

As for adding to the atmophere; there are thousands of match going Blues who would rather die than make a noise. These Blues, who we all sit next to at the game, add just as much to the match as the tourists.
Mike N said:
I don't have a problem with tourists, always better than an empty seat.

As for adding to the atmophere; there are thousands of match going Blues who would rather die than make a noise. These Blues, who we all sit next to at the game, add just as much to the match as the tourists.

Correct,tourists are a lesser prob than some newbie City fans - a guy on our row gets up with his 3 kids 10 mins before ht(did it in the derby) and back with a fcukin pie etc etc every game despite comments.He just looks at you as if it was the pictures

I fcukin hate the Family Stand as there seems to be a couple of these arseholes on every row now but cant afford to sit anywhere else.I have been onto City to try and move this morning.Cant be anyone as bad as him and his brood surely?
I hope they come on their droves tomorrow tonight as still empty seats

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