training report from DH on other forum....

i got some free time tomorrow - any one know if training and what time? NMT?
Neil McNab's Tash said:
kippaxblue76 said:
NMT were you there today?

Yes mate and was going to post but Rammy put DH's on instead, no point in wasting my time.

It was excellent though


I have just got in and caught up on thread, i can sense your irritation from the sarcastic tone within your posts.

Happy to make public my apologies for stealing your thunder.

I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts and was still hoping you would give us your take on the training today, I would go as far as to say that your threads are the ones i look out for more than any other.

My mitigating circumstances today in posting DH's comments were that i had checked for yours, seen you had not posted as yet, and was due to leave the office so checked for DH's.

Am going down to Villa on Monday and wishing the weekend away already........

after reading DH's enthusastic comments i thought the team session seemed so impressive that i thought i would share the comments with Bluemooners asap in order to give people a taster ahead of hearing yours.

Apologies again.

Rammy Blue said:
Neil McNab's Tash said:
Yes mate and was going to post but Rammy put DH's on instead, no point in wasting my time.

It was excellent though


I have just got in and caught up on thread, i can sense your irritation from the sarcastic tone within your posts.

Happy to make public my apologies for stealing your thunder.

I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts and was still hoping you would give us your take on the training today, I would go as far as to say that your threads are the ones i look out for more than any other.

My mitigating circumstances today in posting DH's comments were that i had checked for yours, seen you had not posted as yet, and was due to leave the office so checked for DH's.

Am going down to Villa on Monday and wishing the weekend away already........

after reading DH's enthusastic comments i thought the team session seemed so impressive that i thought i would share the comments with Bluemooners asap in order to give people a taster ahead of hearing yours.

Apologies again.



My wife senses irritation matey.

No need for all that nonsense, it saved me time
A drizzley day turns Sunny as you read the report :)
Thanks sounds like we all getting on great
By the sounds of it, it might be hard to know...but is Vinnie looking like being used as centre back of midfield?

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