Look, I know its not popular, but I applaud the government for trying something different.
I bet there are builders and people who sell and fit hi-tech audio/video equipment who do very well in places like Knustford and Alderly Edge and Sale/Hale (where many of the City and United players reside). They then spend the money they have earnt in the local economy. Isn't that what 'trickle down' means?
I remember when I was a kid Labour had tax at like 98% for film stars and music stars, Sean Connery, Rod Stewart etc. so they all just went and lived in Switzerland or Monaco.
Surely this is a better system?
The government are gambling with everyones future with this policy. It has been tried before in a number of countries, including the UK in 1972, and has failed on every occasion in spectacular fashion.
All it has done is increase the levels of poverty among the domestic population, and that is the case everywhere it has been tried.
What you fail to understand is it's not rich people buying services that improve our wealth, but exports. A country's wealth can't increase without money coming in from outside. It's basic economics.
This poilcy of growth by decreasing the tax burden and putting more money into peoples pockets won't make a sqiddly jot of difference to our living standards now we have left the the EU. The barriers to free trade, and the increased costs of exporting from the UK to our nearest neighbours, the most prosperous economic bloc in the world, have resulted in a collapse in exports and why, when the government say their policies will increase foreign investment in the UK, would any company want to invest in the UK when it would be far easier and cheaper to locate their businesses outside the UK?
It's bullshit, pure and simple claptrap, that reducing the tax burden on the wealthiest members of society wiil increase the prosperity of the nation.
I think you ought to dig a little deeper, read the papers and books the current members of the Cabinet have published, and realise you are just as much a scrounging waster, enjoying benefits you don't deserve as everyone else, which they want to remove from all of us.
Paid holidays? JRM said don't expect them.
Retirement? IDS said it should be 75 years of age.
The NHS? Legislation is now passing through parliament that will end the governments responibilty for free at the source of healthcare to private companies with the autonomy to decide how, and on what, their services are provided
Protests? As long as it's quiet, that's OK, but not in the usual fashion we have been able to vent our spleen on over centuries.
Published Criticsm? No. Don't go there. It's will be 15 years in prison for daring to criticise the government. The Communications Bill will see to that.
Parliamentary Debate? Don't be stupid. The abuse of Statutary Instruments means the time honoured principle of parliament discussing then voting on legislation is well passed it's best. Better to have people in charge doing their own thing without pesky questions from oiks on the back benches.
Yeah, the tories are OK in your opinion.
I beg to differ.