Trophy Parade | Sunday 26th May, 19:30

Compared to the Super Bowl - Taylor Shift final farce celebrations this year, or the 4th of July street parades, the trophy parade on Sunday looked like nothing more than a street party.

It's a bit ironic that an American City fan should complain about something that's been part of City's and football's tradition in England for over 100 years.

I just don't think you get it.
Been to more than my share of City games, was behind the scenes there for over a decade, been to my share of parades.

I’m not sure what there is to “get” that I haven’t “got.”
Agreed, theres team bonding and there's an obsession to just get on it..he's meant to be a modern day professional.. Those days should be gone really as it affects elite performances. It really showed during the cup final. Physically, mentally and inspired the opposition, it was almost like an insult to the oppo really, we can still beat you half p*ssed. I was gutting with that arrogance, it's not a usual city thing but a bad trait in a side. Left a bitter taste truth be told but others feel different, that's fair enough
We’re all disappointed but none of your comments are backed up by any evidence.

We weren’t half pissed as you put it. We bossed the game particularly in the 2nd half and the longer it went on the stronger we became, so clearly physical conditioning was nothing to do with our defeat.

We have a state of the art sports science department staffed by highly skilled leaders in their field. They will have been consulted as to the nature of any title celebrations and subsequent recovery therefrom and presumably they gave the go ahead.

It’s a lazy, idiotic, cheap shot to just dismiss as unprofessional drunkards our highly focused highly motivated team of champions who’ve proved over and over again that they are prepared to make the sacrifices necessary to be the best
We’re all disappointed but none of your comments are backed up by any evidence.

We weren’t half pissed as you put it. We bossed the game particularly in the 2nd half and the longer it went on the stronger we became, so clearly physical conditioning was nothing to do with our defeat.

We have a state of the art sports science department staffed by highly skilled leaders in their field. They will have been consulted as to the nature of any title celebrations and subsequent recovery therefrom and presumably they gave the go ahead.

It’s a lazy, idiotic, cheap shot to just dismiss as unprofessional drunkards our highly focused highly motivated team of champions who’ve proved over and over again that they are prepared to make the sacrifices necessary to be the best
We were half pissed
Been to more than my share of City games, was behind the scenes there for over a decade, been to my share of parades.

I’m not sure what there is to “get” that I haven’t “got.”

‘Hate to say it, but parades are an old, tired, pre-internet/socials/streaming holdover’.

If you thought that about the parade on Sunday you weren’t there, and you still don’t get it, regardless if you’ve been to City parades previously.

Myself and many City fans enjoy a parade. I had a great day, celebrating with friends in the Moon Under Water on Deansgate, and then watching the parade, and seeing the City players lifting the PL trophy as the buses went past

I missed out on the treble parade last season because I was still in Instanbul. I wasn’t going to miss out on the parade this season.
Everyone who went enjoyed it but looking at the aerial shots on City TV no more than 30,000 present. They delayed the bus launch from 7.30 to 8.15 to allow enough people to build up so the shots looked half decent . 5 or 6 times fewer people than last year. Club need to make it a parade not a half mile procession. It wasn’t even the full length of Deansgate it was two thirds of it. And people were still following the bus round at various points.
Everyone who went enjoyed it but looking at the aerial shots on City TV no more than 30,000 present. They delayed the bus launch from 7.30 to 8.15 to allow enough people to build up so the shots looked half decent . 5 or 6 times fewer people than last year. Club need to make it a parade not a half mile procession. It wasn’t even the full length of Deansgate it was two thirds of it. And people were still following the bus round at various points.
Lol 30000. You are Peter Swales.
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Lol 30000. You are Peter Swales.
Silly talk. The defeat knocked 50,000 off and the weather a similar amount. Massive turnout the year before but not busy on all parts of the route. Parts of Deansgate only busy on one side. You can see people running to rejoin from side streets from the aerial view on city tv. Take it through the suburbs into the city centre at a sensible time and we’ll get a huge turnout. Daft waiting until after the cup final too because that affects the turn out if we lose.
Doesn't look like he even watched it. "wasted, barely vertical, completely incoherent" "shit-faced".

I watched the whole thing, and didn't see any of our players looking like those descriptions.

‘Hate to say it, but parades are an old, tired, pre-internet/socials/streaming holdover’.

If you thought that about the parade on Sunday you weren’t there, and you still don’t get it, regardless if you’ve been to City parades previously.

Myself and many City fans enjoy a parade. I had a great day, celebrating with friends in the Moon Under Water on Deansgate, and then watching the parade, and seeing the City players lifting the PL trophy as the buses went past

I missed out on the treble parade last season because I was still in Instanbul. I wasn’t going to miss out on the parade this season.
I’m glad you had a grand day out and enjoyed your proximity to the players and trophy. Maybe I’m jaundiced, as I’ve rarely idolized footballers (having grown up around them) and it has always been the excitement and suspense of the game, rather than the palaver associated with the aftermath, for me.

I’m certainly not knocking a parade for everyone, as we all come to it from our own history & perspectives, but it’s not for me anymore. I’ve been to some in the Mansour era, and wish I could have got pissed wet through with my siblings last year for the Treble, but I’m not sure it’s got the same allure as it used to have…and Natalie’s shrill mic’d voice has dogs howling! ;-)
Silly talk. The defeat knocked 50,000 off and the weather a similar amount. Massive turnout the year before but not busy on all parts of the route. Parts of Deansgate only busy on one side. You can see people running to rejoin from side streets from the aerial view on city tv. Take it through the suburbs into the city centre at a sensible time and we’ll get a huge turnout. Daft waiting until after the cup final too because that affects the turn out if we lose.

There’s lots of daft things said on here. But wanting a parade before the season has finished is up there with the best.

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