Trouble in the East Stand??

Re: Ejections in 109

from where i was it looked like some people at the front were told to sit a few times but refused then more stewards came so they gave in, but then the people in the row behind them refused to sit as well until they started chucking people out.

then the people in the row behind them refused to sit, so basically.... NOBODY WANTED TO FUCKING SIT YOU FUCKING CUNTING BULLYING WASTE OF OXYGEN NO GOOD RAG BASTARD.

Mr Fletcher sir.
Re: Ejections in 109

mcfcliam said:
None of this in block 105 ;)

I'd hate to watch a game while having my mind on jobsworth cuntish stewards looking to chuck any fucker out.

I'm in 106 and although there was no hassle from stewards, there were three moaning bastards behind us that kept screaming for people to sit down.

The bloke behind me tapped me on my shoulder before the game had even kicked off to tell me to sit down. I told him I would when everybody in front of me did. I'm only on row E so people do stand quite often when we are attacking or if there is a corner on the east stand side.

There was one silly woman who has been there once before screaming at people to sit down. I wouldn't mind but the silly cow could have sat elsewhere, she should know from previous experience that people stand at times during play in that block. It's always the part timers, going into other people's territory (I say that as I've been in the same place since ground opened along with many others) and trying to change the way they watch the game. Screaming 'fucking sit down' at the top of their voices, deeming standing to be worse than scaring the young kid stood in front of him.

If you want to be part of the flask and blanket brigade, fuck off and sit with them instead of disturbing , irritating and screaming at people doing what they have done since day dot. Either that or piss off to the theatre. Give me a glory hunter that wants to get involved over these pillocks wanting to dilute the atmosphere any day of the week.

The post about people taking photos of standers and trying to get the stewards to intervene disgusts me. Where have these people been all these years? Why would you sit in a part of the ground known for standing during play if you're so vehemently against it? It baffles me, it really does.
Re: Ejections in 109

lordloverocket said:
me and a mate were in 119 last night and the reason we were gettin shit off the stewards for standing was because of three women right at the back of the stand who kept shouting to the stewards all this lot have had a letter do you jobs throw them out! at half time one of them was playing fook with em and showing pictures of poeple standing plus the "letter" from norman stanley fletcher.

must say it fucks me right off when you get a couple of moaners spoiling the atmosphere for everybody just cos the want to eat their buttys and drink their flask sat down like its a fookin picnic.

fook off to the north stand.

Im on Y in 119 and those women were pathetic. They have been there pretty much since we moved and its always the same usually. Last night was a piss take though. 5 minutes into the first game of the season and all you can hear is her big gob bellowing about letters and sitting down. Wouldnt mind if I ever heard her and her mates singing or joining in but its only moaning, its the south stand for fuck sake.

The only thing that makes me want to sit down is the fact I feel a twat knowing the wheelchair ramps are behind us and when the whole block is stood fans up there cant see shit, its something I usually only remember after the excitement has calmed down when we have scored or finished an attack/corner.
Re: Ejections in 109

mcfcliam said:
None of this in block 105 ;)

I'd hate to watch a game while having my mind on jobsworth cuntish stewards looking to chuck any fucker out.
No, but two stewards did come to my row at half time and took a bloke and his mate out to the ticket office, accusing them of stealing someone else's seasoncards. The guy has had those tickets since we moved to Eastlands. He had to produce his credit card etc
Re: Ejections in 109

ban-mcfc said:
from where i was it looked like some people at the front were told to sit a few times but refused then more stewards came so they gave in, but then the people in the row behind them refused to sit as well until they started chucking people out.

then the people in the row behind them refused to sit, so basically.... NOBODY WANTED TO FUCKING SIT YOU FUCKING CUNTING BULLYING WASTE OF OXYGEN NO GOOD RAG BASTARD.

Mr Fletcher sir.

As i suspected, they were told many times and ignored them so they cannot moan if they are then thrown out. I imagine that not everyone wants to stand in 109.

I'll tell you now, if there were a group of people who stood up where i sit then i would be getting in contact with the club to sort them out.
Re: Ejections in 109

LongsightM13 said:
mcfcliam said:
None of this in block 105 ;)

I'd hate to watch a game while having my mind on jobsworth cuntish stewards looking to chuck any fucker out.
No, but two stewards did come to my row at half time and took a bloke and his mate out to the ticket office, accusing them of stealing someone else's seasoncards. The guy has had those tickets since we moved to Eastlands. He had to produce his credit card etc
What?! That's disgraceful if true.
Re: Ejections in 109

Totally ruined last night this for me. Constant showsec idiots standing infront of people mid row barking orders to sit down when it was clear nobody in the whole block wants to sit. They let us stand last season which is why i chose not to move. If they leave us all alone the standing stops after 109 so i don't get what the problem is. That fat woman needs to stop sitting down so much with her blue badge "this blue badge lets me kick people like you out of the stadium" was one comment i overheard.

109 109 we are standing
109 109 i pray
109 109 we are standing
we'll be standing til the end of may


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