Trouble in the East Stand??

was about 20 ft away from this. Loads of people videoing this so we should actually have some evidence against showsec. Apparently the little girl fainted.
No idea why the stewards became so heavy handed could have had serious trouble today all because they want a few people to sit down.
Re: Ejections in 109

I have not read all this thread and it doesn't affect me as I sit in EL3, from what I can gather those of you who stand down there need to stick together and let the cunts know you're not having it, this is the only way you have a chance, don't let the cunts single fans out, eventually they will get the message, stand together
Grand Master Ram Rod said:
I was in the South Stand watching this and it was pissing me off, can't imagine what people in that stand were thinking.

If you go to a game and expect people to sit, you're a **** (especially the singing section). Stay at home and watch it on telly if you wanna sit!

As someone who regularly stands when going away, I would say that you are a **** if you think that anyone who doesn't want to stand at home is a ****, just because you like standing.

There are plenty of people who don't fancy standing and I have seen a situation time and time again where wankers who hold the opinion "you are a **** if you don't want to stand" try to intimidate them and give it the big bollocks because some old bloke behind them doesn't want to or can't stand all match.

Fair enough, there are certain places that you expect it, near the away fans or at aways, and to go and expect to sit is naive. But it is a fucking joke to state that if you go to match and don't want to stand you are a ****.

From what I've seen, a lot of 'standers' get their little soldiers all excited and seem to think that standing makes them a man who "can't be told what to do." Pathetic stuff. And this is from someone who regularly stands and enjoys it.

The fact that this "you're a ****" attitude is so prevelant in certain blocks is why the club have got themselves into such a bizarre and uncomfortable situation, where they are bound to at least try to enforce "the rules".
Re: Ejections in 109

big blueballs said:
I have not read all this thread and it doesn't affect me as I sit in EL3, from what I can gather those of you who stand down there need to stick together and let the cunts know you're not having it, this is the only way you have a chance, don't let the cunts single fans out, eventually they will get the message, stand together

This is the way to do it, stick together!
I'm in 110 and it was all down to the stewards.

Sooner or later its gunna kick off royal because I'm telling you now near enough everyone in that block wanted a piece of the stewards and if we ever go a goal down and they try it, that will just tip people over the edge and it will be game on.
ban-mcfc said:
jimharri said:
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
Watching the game on the computer and after the first goal a load of stewards piled down to the front of the East Stand, not too far from the corner flag and were there for a good while trying to sort something out.
What happened?
Apparently some Villa fans got into one of the City blocks (109, I think) and it kicked off. Mentioned in the in-match thread over on the match day forum.

wrong, tried to get city fans to sit, they didn't so they started chucking people out.

everybody else rebelled and started fighting back.

fuck off fletcher!!!!
Yeah; sorry about that. I was going on what was reported in the match thread during the game. Wasn't there, unfortunately.
I was directly opposite in the Colin Bell and it looked proper rough. Couldn't believe how many stewards/coppers were steamrolling their way into the crowd. Heavy handed wankers.
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Grand Master Ram Rod said:
I was in the South Stand watching this and it was pissing me off, can't imagine what people in that stand were thinking.

If you go to a game and expect people to sit, you're a **** (especially the singing section). Stay at home and watch it on telly if you wanna sit!

As someone who regularly stands when going away, I would say that you are a **** if you think that anyone who doesn't want to stand at home is a ****, just because you like standing.

There are plenty of people who don't fancy standing and I have seen a situation time and time again where wankers who hold the opinion "you are a **** if you don't want to stand" try to intimidate them and give it the big bollocks because some old bloke behind them doesn't want to or can't stand all match.

Fair enough, there are certain places that you expect it, near the away fans or at aways, and to go and expect to sit is naive. But it is a fucking joke to state that if you go to match and don't want to stand you are a ****.

From what I've seen, a lot of 'standers' get their little soldiers all excited and seem to think that standing makes them a man who "can't be told what to do." Pathetic stuff. And this is from someone who regularly stands and enjoys it.

The fact that this "you're a ****" attitude is so prevelant in certain blocks is why the club have got themselves into such a bizarre and uncomfortable situation, where they are bound to at least try to enforce "the rules".
I don't mind people sitting, I just don't like people who tell others not to stand and actually grass on them for doing so.

If you wanna sit then fine, but if people wanna stand then that's fine too.

There are plenty of sitting stands at City.

I probably worded my first post wrong.
Fucking scummy pricks the lot of them i used to work with a guy who i spotted working for show sec at the semi final when i went to the ground, i walked passed and said aren't you a rag he said yeah what of it.

So on leaving on high spirits i was having a bit of banter with him shouting a rag is here so him and his mate grabbed me and said we will find out wear your sitting next season and ban you. so i told him if i ever saw him i would fucking kill him, and haven't seen him this season.

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