Trouble in the East Stand??

JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Grand Master Ram Rod said:
I was in the South Stand watching this and it was pissing me off, can't imagine what people in that stand were thinking.

If you go to a game and expect people to sit, you're a **** (especially the singing section). Stay at home and watch it on telly if you wanna sit!

As someone who regularly stands when going away, I would say that you are a **** if you think that anyone who doesn't want to stand at home is a ****, just because you like standing.

There are plenty of people who don't fancy standing and I have seen a situation time and time again where wankers who hold the opinion "you are a **** if you don't want to stand" try to intimidate them and give it the big bollocks because some old bloke behind them doesn't want to or can't stand all match.

Fair enough, there are certain places that you expect it, near the away fans or at aways, and to go and expect to sit is naive. But it is a fucking joke to state that if you go to match and don't want to stand you are a ****.

From what I've seen, a lot of 'standers' get their little soldiers all excited and seem to think that standing makes them a man who "can't be told what to do." Pathetic stuff. And this is from someone who regularly stands and enjoys it.

The fact that this "you're a ****" attitude is so prevelant in certain blocks is why the club have got themselves into such a bizarre and uncomfortable situation, where they are bound to at least try to enforce "the rules".

I got told I wasn't a real fan for not standing at one point last season, unbeknown to the jeb end who said it, I'd had cruciate surgery a week beforehand. As I showed him my scar on my knee he looked like he wanted the ground to swallow him up. Credit to him he got me a pint at half time.
The club need to realise that the battle is lost, im in 109 and dont care if people stand or sit but the whole block now stand for the whole game, you cant make that many people sit down. The mistake they made was not clamping down on it as it grew over the last couple of seasons. Many fans located to 109 this year on the premise that they would stand, the horse has bolted.

They should concentrate on making sure standing doesnt spread elsewhere if they want to be seen as doing something.

I would be interested in how many people have been injured thru standing in 109, the only danger to health and safety is stewards and the police pissing off large sections of the support.

seems strange that its okay to smoke in the bogs even though we are told it is harmful to others(i am a smoker by the way)t but no okay to stand in 109 when there is no danger at all
M.C.F.C.O.K said:
pearcey71 said:
Grand Master Ram Rod said:
I was in the South Stand watching this and it was pissing me off, can't imagine what people in that stand were thinking.

If you go to a game and expect people to sit, you're a **** (especially the singing section). Stay at home and watch it on telly if you wanna sit!


Tit? what are you on about? He is right, it has been a 'singing' 'standing' section for years, if you want to get a ticket there and sit your a ****. But i think its the Stewards wanting people to sit, not fellow fans.

Show me where it states it is a Singing standing section before calling people a ****??
I was in row J. Saskions account is on the money. The yellow jackets targeted this old fella around row D. He was only a small guy around 60 years old. Standoff for a few minutes whilst each party put their case forward, and then a yellow jacket shoved the old guy. The rows behind didn't take kindly to an elderly getting hassled so looked out for the guy. Settled down and then they went to escort the guy out. Something happened at the bottom of the stairs and the guy needed first aid. For about 10 minutes whilst he was being seen to, yellow jackets tried to file up the stairs and someone came across from the 110 side and went for a steward.

He retaliated, and it all started getting very messy. The police did not want to file up whilst this guy was on the ground. The yellow jackets retreated back to the sponsor boards, the old guy was up again and got lead out by about 4 police. I heard they were met by a few more Showsec up in the concourse and this old guy looked knackered with around 6 security around him being led out.

Not a peep out of the Showsec for the second half.

They caused injury today, and should be ashamed. Handled embarrassingly bad by a supposed professional security firm. Despite the regulations, the previous statement remains true.

So Fletcher, accommodate us or have your contract security cause more injury to the fans and the contract staff you employ. There are ways to ensure fan and staff security away from the binds the legislation puts you under.

A fail from top to bottom today, and probably lost a fan that has been there when pig bladders were used for footballs.
I don't get it.

They single out 109 as as 'you can't stand' zone, but 110 allll the way round to 121 then are left to stand.
You cannot do that, you either have to let everyone stand, or no-one, surely?
mancitymick said:
M.C.F.C.O.K said:
pearcey71 said:

Tit? what are you on about? He is right, it has been a 'singing' 'standing' section for years, if you want to get a ticket there and sit your a ****. But i think its the Stewards wanting people to sit, not fellow fans.

Show me where it states it is a Singing standing section before calling people a ****??

whether it is stated or not 109 is now a standing block, thats the reality, if the club want to randomly pick on a fan is up to them but it will make no difference at all
Re: Peter Fletcher: Showsec Assaulting City Fans

jrb said:
watched what happened from block 111.

Went for a drink at half-time. While I was stood in the queue I saw a City fan talking to a police officer on the concorse, who was taking notes/details. As the City fan walked through the queue we asked him what he said to the police officer. Told us that he had taken video footage via his camera phone of a Showsec steward assaulting a City fan.

Just spoke to my Girlfriend after she arrived home from the match. She sits above 111 and saw a Showsec steward assaulting a City fan.

Back to Mr Fletcher.

At the end of the day the buck stops with you. You are head of security at the stadium, which means you are in charge of Showsec and are responsible for their behaviour.

You have been warned time after time by the City fans on Blue Moon about the heavy handed behaviour of Showsec(£5 an hour bullies in yellow jackets), but you've done nothing about it.

Once again the Showsec mob tried to force City fans to sit down. Once again all they did was wind up City fans. This time they went too far and caused the disgraceful scenes in block 109. Then the Police were called in to try and restore order.

And what happened at the end of it all. The City fans were still stood up in block 109. So what did another Showsec show of force achieve? Nothing apart from assaulting City fans and causing more problems.

Mr Fletcher, please do us all a favour. Hand in your notice.

Fletcher will just say they are doing their job as it's against the law for you stand at a football match. They will argue that those who stand have caused the ruck because if they obeyed the law none of it would have happened.

I'm not siding with them I'm just telling you how they'll see it.<br /><br />-- Sat Oct 15, 2011 6:05 pm --<br /><br />
hilts said:
mancitymick said:
M.C.F.C.O.K said:
Tit? what are you on about? He is right, it has been a 'singing' 'standing' section for years, if you want to get a ticket there and sit your a ****. But i think its the Stewards wanting people to sit, not fellow fans.

Show me where it states it is a Singing standing section before calling people a ****??

whether it is stated or not 109 is now a standing block, thats the reality, if the club want to randomly pick on a fan is up to them but it will make no difference at all

No it isn't. It's a block full of law breakers, technically.
The hate for Peter Fletcher on this forum is a joke.

I hope he reads this and serves us all a dose by forcing the entire ground to sit. Rather than allowing two specific sections to break FA rules.

Then perhaps you'll all realise the fuckwittery in these kind of threads.

(that's not addressing individual behaviour of stewards, if what is alleged to have happened its unacceptable and I expect he'll pay with his job)
Re: Peter Fletcher: Showsec Assaulting City Fans

PistonBlue said:
jrb said:
watched what happened from block 111.

Went for a drink at half-time. While I was stood in the queue I saw a City fan talking to a police officer on the concorse, who was taking notes/details. As the City fan walked through the queue we asked him what he said to the police officer. Told us that he had taken video footage via his camera phone of a Showsec steward assaulting a City fan.

Just spoke to my Girlfriend after she arrived home from the match. She sits above 111 and saw a Showsec steward assaulting a City fan.

Back to Mr Fletcher.

At the end of the day the buck stops with you. You are head of security at the stadium, which means you are in charge of Showsec and are responsible for their behaviour.

You have been warned time after time by the City fans on Blue Moon about the heavy handed behaviour of Showsec(£5 an hour bullies in yellow jackets), but you've done nothing about it.

Once again the Showsec mob tried to force City fans to sit down. Once again all they did was wind up City fans. This time they went too far and caused the disgraceful scenes in block 109. Then the Police were called in to try and restore order.

And what happened at the end of it all. The City fans were still stood up in block 109. So what did another Showsec show of force achieve? Nothing apart from assaulting City fans and causing more problems.

Mr Fletcher, please do us all a favour. Hand in your notice.

Fletcher will just say they are doing their job as it's against the law for you stand at a football match. They will argue that those who stand have caused the ruck because if they obeyed the law none of it would have happened.

I'm not siding with them I'm just telling you how they'll see it.

-- Sat Oct 15, 2011 6:05 pm --

hilts said:
mancitymick said:
Show me where it states it is a Singing standing section before calling people a ****??

whether it is stated or not 109 is now a standing block, thats the reality, if the club want to randomly pick on a fan is up to them but it will make no difference at all

No it isn't. It's a block full of law breakers, technically.

try reading the post, everyone in 109 stands in REALITY it is a standing block you can call it what you want but if a block is standing it is a standing block whether right or wrong, is this clear for you<br /><br />-- Sat Oct 15, 2011 6:12 pm --<br /><br />
GStar said:
The hate for Peter Fletcher on this forum is a joke.

I hope he reads this and serves us all a dose by forcing the entire ground to sit. Rather than allowing two specific sections to break FA rules.

Then perhaps you'll all realise the fuckwittery in these kind of threads.

(that's not addressing individual behaviour of stewards, if what is alleged to have happened its unacceptable and I expect he'll pay with his job)

and how is going to do that?
Basically the old guy was told to sit and he didn't as everybody else were stood up to, show sec thought they were big picking on the old guy, city fans in 109-110 didn't take kindly to it and basically waded in then the police come (2 with batons out) the guy was clearly in distress in the row but Show sec and the poliice both thought it would be big to drag him! 15 stewards on one old guy? Cocks! Anyway got to say Im glad all the city fans stood up for themselves in 109 once and for all as for showsec your nothing but a bunch of arse holes!

By the way I asked the copper what he had his batting out for and he sai that he dropped it, bullshitting bastard!

Fletcher get out of our club it can't be ok to stand one week but not the next and don't tell 109 to sit wen other blocks are fine too!

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