Trouble in the East Stand??

Re: Ejections in 109

blumoonrisen said:
moggymoz said:
blumoonrisen said:
Well... aren't you a soft crying, grassing wuss of a fanny..
yep thats me...

Well I just Pm'd you my seat location pussy boy...

-- Sun Oct 16, 2011 2:26 am --

citysince88 said:
moggymoz said:

I think that's frustration mate, I'm sure he didn't mean it.

Of course I didn't..! doesn't make no difference to me, I'm in the family stand..!

What a dickhead! Haha I pm'd you my seat number hahaha grow up you fool!
Ricster said:
chris4aka said:
machiavellian said:

How about just resorting to their tactics?

Violence with violence.

see what???? what did you see??

See them try this shit in the heart of the Kippax. Wouldn't stand for it.

How about we defend our own, see how they like it?

see what!!! i dont see anything when i watch it.

-- Sat Oct 15, 2011 9:19 pm --

GazC said:
I think you're seriously misinterpreting this regulation:

1.1 that fails (or in the Club's reasonable opinion is likely to fail) to comply with these Ground Regulations or any reasonable instruction issued by a police officer or authorised steward

This means if you fail to respond to their instruction you can be ejected... but only be a police officer.

Showsec, you're fucked.

1.1 that fails (or in the Club's reasonable opinion is likely to fail) to comply with these Ground Regulations or any reasonable instruction issued by a police officer or authorised steward

No matter what rules MCFC put up, it is against the law for a steward or security guard/officer to conduct a search without the permission of the person being searched or to detain someone for a public order offence or a breach of the peace.
An assault, theft etc a steward or security have the power of arrest.

-- Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:36 am --

mancmackem said:
Skashion said:
He is. He was revived at the scene, taken to First Aid, and then escorted out of the ground at half time surrounded by stewards and police with quite a lot in the concourse chanting 'shame' at the GMP and Showsec. Me Da asked him whether he was alright and he said he was.

I'm glad we are now believed Skash, well done on the video.

That guy posed a huge risk/threat to others didn't he? 60 odd years old, with a heart condition, asking to be left alone sat in his seat.

Shame Fletcher, shame on you and the people you control. This has been brewing for a LONG time, and you allowed your contracted staff to develop the situation to the end result today. I hope you feel sad watching that three minute video, and take it as a wake up call to prioritise the situation. Take it by the scruff of the neck and NEVER allow it to happen again.

Think you will need to come down from your control room and sit there for a game, see for yourself how the block is run with your own eyes apart from through a monitor screen. Imagine that was your dad stood on the old Kippax whilst you eat your gobstopper as you said in the previous letter, how would you feel? How do you feel being a Manchester City fan seeing a fellow fan exposed to that sort of treatment on your watch?


Mackem, this has all bean done before pal. I used to sit in 118 when the stadium first opened. After 1 season these wankers were at it over there. I was assaulted by a police officer, another fan was arrested taken to a police station where his programme was spat on by rag coppers, and another male recieved a borken arm cos these showsec lot didn't know how far his arm up his back is classed as restraining.
Its been going on for a while, thats why i moved from 118 to 110. They lay one hand on me and i'll be reacting in self defence.

2 years ago in 111....i went over to ask why the police were filming fans at half time just stood around at their seats chatting...two coppers pulled me to one side and started the whole "we can film who we want" scenario.

i didnt disagree, but asked what the video will be used for and if i can get a copy of the this point i was forecebly shoved down the stairs by the other copper, landing on my arse about 6 rows down
Re: Ejections in 109

I know a lad who was working for showsec. He's a young lad, it's just a job. He said he was made to tell someone to sit down but was embarrassed to do it. They're not all cunts, it's someone making them do it, that's the main problem.
shadygiz said:
Ricster said:
chris4aka said:
see what!!! i dont see anything when i watch it.

-- Sat Oct 15, 2011 9:19 pm --

1.1 that fails (or in the Club's reasonable opinion is likely to fail) to comply with these Ground Regulations or any reasonable instruction issued by a police officer or authorised steward

No matter what rules MCFC put up, it is against the law for a steward or security guard/officer to conduct a search without the permission of the person being searched or to detain someone for a public order offence or a breach of the peace.
An assault, theft etc a steward or security have the power of arrest.

-- Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:36 am --

mancmackem said:
I'm glad we are now believed Skash, well done on the video.

That guy posed a huge risk/threat to others didn't he? 60 odd years old, with a heart condition, asking to be left alone sat in his seat.

Shame Fletcher, shame on you and the people you control. This has been brewing for a LONG time, and you allowed your contracted staff to develop the situation to the end result today. I hope you feel sad watching that three minute video, and take it as a wake up call to prioritise the situation. Take it by the scruff of the neck and NEVER allow it to happen again.

Think you will need to come down from your control room and sit there for a game, see for yourself how the block is run with your own eyes apart from through a monitor screen. Imagine that was your dad stood on the old Kippax whilst you eat your gobstopper as you said in the previous letter, how would you feel? How do you feel being a Manchester City fan seeing a fellow fan exposed to that sort of treatment on your watch?


Mackem, this has all bean done before pal. I used to sit in 118 when the stadium first opened. After 1 season these wankers were at it over there. I was assaulted by a police officer, another fan was arrested taken to a police station where his programme was spat on by rag coppers, and another male recieved a borken arm cos these showsec lot didn't know how far his arm up his back is classed as restraining.
Its been going on for a while, thats why i moved from 118 to 110. They lay one hand on me and i'll be reacting in self defence.

2 years ago in 111....i went over to ask why the police were filming fans at half time just stood around at their seats chatting...two coppers pulled me to one side and started the whole "we can film who we want" scenario.

i didnt disagree, but asked what the video will be used for and if i can get a copy of the this point i was forecebly shoved down the stairs by the other copper, landing on my arse about 6 rows down

If only we were like this.

A soccer fan runs onto the field holding a sign. Gets tackled by 4 police. Fine right? I understand they need to do their job and be safe. I get it. But then as the 4 police are trying to arrest the subject, they decide several hard shots with the butt end of a billy-club is in order. They soon found out society does not take kindly to adrenaline seeking thug cops. Near the end of the video, the one cop who was using the billy-club was running away with his tail between his legs. Not so tough when the tables are turned. I also do not believe that was the type of adrenaline rush he was looking for. Unfortunately this type of thing happens far to often. The good cops, the ones who respect civil liberties and human rights, are few and far between.

[youtube][/youtube] has a full page article in today's Sunday Star about Safe standing at football and backs it with a poll apparently undertaken in the last few weeks at Prem clubs. It also touches on police and stewarding issues, could someone send the relevant links to this thread and the video's to the address if possible, I would but my machine is currently BSODing when using mail.
Re: Ejections in 109

I'm sorry but if people are asked to sit down and they refuse I would take down their seat numbers and after the game I would ban them from the stadium. That's the only way you are going to put a stop to this selfishness and get people to sit down in that block. I'm all for extending standing areas but until that happens then tough sh*t

Trust me I fully understand people wanting to stand BUT the fact is there is only certain areas designated as standing and 109 is not one of them. If you disobey the rules I fully support the club addressing the issue, particularly if they are bound by Manchester County Council. Its not hard numbnuts sit down and you won't have a problem.

Of course they start with people at the front because it is those that cause the rest of the block to stand. You can't sit down if the poeple in front are stood up. I don't mind standing but looking round the ground on matchday there are a number of people who I would think twice about asking to sit down for fear of getting a volley of abuse back - that's why I'm pleased that Showsec are trying to do something about it to stick up for those who want to sit but aren't in a position to do so.

No one knows how many people in that block actually want to sit but are forced to stand by the amount of selfish d*ckheads only concerned about themselves.

If you want to stand go in the designated areas d*ckheads and if you can't get a ticket there then that's just tough sh*t you have to sit and if you get manhandled and chucked out then there is only one person to blame YOU !
talkativesprout said:
shadygiz said:
Ricster said:
No matter what rules MCFC put up, it is against the law for a steward or security guard/officer to conduct a search without the permission of the person being searched or to detain someone for a public order offence or a breach of the peace.
An assault, theft etc a steward or security have the power of arrest.

-- Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:36 am --

Mackem, this has all bean done before pal. I used to sit in 118 when the stadium first opened. After 1 season these wankers were at it over there. I was assaulted by a police officer, another fan was arrested taken to a police station where his programme was spat on by rag coppers, and another male recieved a borken arm cos these showsec lot didn't know how far his arm up his back is classed as restraining.
Its been going on for a while, thats why i moved from 118 to 110. They lay one hand on me and i'll be reacting in self defence.

2 years ago in 111....i went over to ask why the police were filming fans at half time just stood around at their seats chatting...two coppers pulled me to one side and started the whole "we can film who we want" scenario.

i didnt disagree, but asked what the video will be used for and if i can get a copy of the this point i was forecebly shoved down the stairs by the other copper, landing on my arse about 6 rows down

If only we were like this.

A soccer fan runs onto the field holding a sign. Gets tackled by 4 police. Fine right? I understand they need to do their job and be safe. I get it. But then as the 4 police are trying to arrest the subject, they decide several hard shots with the butt end of a billy-club is in order. They soon found out society does not take kindly to adrenaline seeking thug cops. Near the end of the video, the one cop who was using the billy-club was running away with his tail between his legs. Not so tough when the tables are turned. I also do not believe that was the type of adrenaline rush he was looking for. Unfortunately this type of thing happens far to often. The good cops, the ones who respect civil liberties and human rights, are few and far between.

I used to go out with a girl whose father was a police sergeant. He absolutely hated me and had arrested me after the 4-1 Mcr derby, first derby at CoMS in 2004. I got with her just over a year later and he despised us being together. He beat her up, just after we broke up , beat up his own daughter(!) and when she rang the police afterwards they pretty much laughed her away.
Re: Ejections in 109

Blue Mooner said:
I'm sorry but if people are asked to sit down and they refuse I would take down their seat numbers and after the game I would ban them from the stadium. That's the only way you are going to put a stop to this selfishness and get people to sit down in that block. I'm all for extending standing areas but until that happens then tough sh*t

Trust me I fully understand people wanting to stand BUT the fact is there is only certain areas designated as standing and 109 is not one of them. If you disobey the rules I fully support the club addressing the issue, particularly if they are bound by Manchester County Council. Its not hard numbnuts sit down and you won't have a problem.

Of course they start with people at the front because it is those that cause the rest of the block to stand. You can't sit down if the poeple in front are stood up. I don't mind standing but looking round the ground on matchday there are a number of people who I would think twice about asking to sit down for fear of getting a volley of abuse back - that's why I'm pleased that Showsec are trying to do something about it to stick up for those who want to sit but aren't in a position to do so.

No one knows how many people in that block actually want to sit but are forced to stand by the amount of selfish d*ckheads only concerned about themselves.

If you want to stand go in the designated areas d*ckheads and if you can't get a ticket there then that's just tough sh*t you have to sit and if you get manhandled and chucked out then there is only one person to blame YOU !

So what was the old man suppost to do, sit down and not see all on his own? Judging from the videos EVERYONE in that block was stood up so there was no need for anyone to sit down.
Re: Ejections in 109

whitt said:
I know a lad who was working for showsec. He's a young lad, it's just a job. He said he was made to tell someone to sit down but was embarrassed to do it. They're not all cunts, it's someone making them do it, that's the main problem.
If he's embarrassed to do his job then maybe he should quit, i know i would.

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