True art!!

SouthStand211 said:

Large hi-res link.

Not a clue about the bottom bit. Think it's just Sketch City/Northern Quarter shit. In a good way. haha

Cheers. Thought I'd try it out as my desktop!!
GStar said:
LCBblue said:
Shows how much we're growin nationally and Internatonally, come on City, bug things, we want big things!

Haha, how on earth does painting a brick wall in the middle of the City centre of Manchester show were growing nationally and internationally?
Exactly what I was going to say.
i8therags said:
I;m going to be a grumpy old git here.the art is good.but painting brick is wrong in a big way..If the council Ok;d it then it proves what arty f"ckin farty dick heads run it.If its private then not much anyone can do..You just don;t paint f"ckin brick,it;s f"ckin wrong.End of rant,:-(

I'm a grumpy old git too and brick is the finished product, an art form in itself, it is a lily which doesn't need gilding. Same with decent hardword, yer don't paint it!

But cracking art work all the same!
i8therags said:
MCFC-alan88 said:
i8therags said:
I;m going to be a grumpy old git here.the art is good.but painting brick is wrong in a big way..If the council Ok;d it then it proves what arty f"ckin farty dick heads run it.If its private then not much anyone can do..You just don;t paint f"ckin brick,it;s f"ckin wrong.End of rant,:-(

Um, why?
cos when its out of fashion it looks shit, and is a job and a half to get off,still leaving some behind.I;d chop thems f"ckin hands off that does it LOL

Possibly the best post this year.

I'm a big fan of surrealism..

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