True Detective

Thaksinssoldier said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Just seen the last episode. Enjoyed the series but felt they just ignored all the occult/Lovecraft stuff at the end and sort of blamed it all on a mental bastard.

The writer clearly hates women too as they're all beautiful but either dead or sluts who destroy men with their sex. My girlfriend noted that and I agreed to impress her and get more sex from her.

Bit where he was fingering the inbred woman was life changing. I wanted to know more about his dad too, dead in his underpants. Also what was on the video that was so bad? Considering Woody from Cheers has seen microwaved babies and shot peoples heads off, whatever was on the vid must have been insanely fucked up

His dad was the yellow king. Mummified=yellow and king meaning he was the patriarch.

Immense show. I'll be re-watching the whole show asap.

Just finished the last episode, brilliant.

I will be re-watching it though and try to make more sense of it.
Thaksinssoldier said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Just seen the last episode. Enjoyed the series but felt they just ignored all the occult/Lovecraft stuff at the end and sort of blamed it all on a mental bastard.

The writer clearly hates women too as they're all beautiful but either dead or sluts who destroy men with their sex. My girlfriend noted that and I agreed to impress her and get more sex from her.

Bit where he was fingering the inbred woman was life changing. I wanted to know more about his dad too, dead in his underpants. Also what was on the video that was so bad? Considering Woody from Cheers has seen microwaved babies and shot peoples heads off, whatever was on the vid must have been insanely fucked up

His dad was the yellow king. Mummified=yellow and king meaning he was the patriarch.

Immense show. I'll be re-watching the whole show asap.

That may be the case but it doesn't explain any of the occult references etc Also we know it went further back as his granddad kidnapped the woman he was sat with years back. Loved it just felt they skimmed over a lot towards the end.
CTID1988 said:
Is it just me or is it really hard to understand what anybody is saying a lot of the time!? I watched all the episodes over the weekend and i think ive missed half the plot because of this! They just seem to be mumbling

I mentioned this earlier, I have a problem with what Rust is mumbling about half the time in that heavy Southern drawl
There were no subtitles available so I just gave up as Id lost the plot.
Matthew McMuffin NOT coming back for Second Series, which is going to be based on occult attached to Transportation industry. Not written yet. Whether MM, who was the one who discovered the story and chose to make it after reading only the first two episodes, stays with the project as Exec Producer remains to be seen.


Btw, the final episode CRASHED the HBO GO servers last night, as well as RECORD BREAKING VIEWERSHIP on actual TV.

In the immortal words of MM....Alright alright alright!
This is apparently the Yellow King [bigimg][/bigimg]

The writer claims there was nothing supernatural to the crimes. I'm still mildly blown away by the paint on the ears thing too.
There was just too many unanswered questions. Felt to me the writer had an idea in mind and then changed it halfway through the series
Loved the series as a whole but slightly disappointed by the finale. Didn't like the music or the creepiness or the fight scene but then when you're watching a series like this I guess it's bound to happen at some point. After the first seven episodes I was about to declare it as my favourite ever television series but I don't know if that will be so after the last one. It's quite sad to see Rust not find peace within himself after finally solving the case but the loss of his child and working on this case has tormented him forever and I suspect the way it finished was that he would commit suicide. For Marty it came full circle and he became the good man and cop that he was. Was the wedding ring his wife was wearing his or a new man's?
An awful let down last night in Episode 4. An extremely thin and bizarre plot line took hold. Stealing Cocaine from the police evidence room ? sub machine guns in the loft ?
It's a body of work from the true detective/master detective magazines, the case the show follows is a very famous one but made up of a melting pot of true crime to sustain the anthology idea by HBO, it executes it extremely well....

The original case is shocking in itself but not one you have to know to enjoy the show!!!!
Halfway through watching series 1 off Sky Atlantic for what must be the fourth time in the 7 years since it was first broadcast.
I still have to pop the subtitles on to catch everything, but this really must be up there as one of the best shows ever. Certainly my favourite in the crime/detective genre. Despite the bad reviews, I still enjoyed S2 and S3, but S1 is by far the best.

I’m quoting your post Zin cos of what you’ve said about the original story and the case it was based upon, neither of which I knew about. Are either of those available to read about online do you know(without having a copy of the magazine)?
Anyway, if you haven’t watched it yet, do.

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