TUC Conference

Ancient Citizen said:
It was never about power to the people. It's about power to the chosen few.

Which is one of the main differences between Socialism and Communism.

But having seen how well the de-regulation of the financial sector has worked, it is obvious that in a free market society that the tories crave all will be well with the world (well, at least the richest members and silver spoon members).
law74 said:
Ancient Citizen said:
It was never about power to the people. It's about power to the chosen few.

Which is one of the main differences between Socialism and Communism.

But having seen how well the de-regulation of the financial sector has worked, it is obvious that in a free market society that the tories crave all will be well with the world (well, at least the richest members and silver spoon members).

As stated on here recently hand wringing liberals in the USA wanted 'Poor' people to have houses of their own, piling pressure on the administration to allow this with the consequences we can all now see. Capitalism is nasty in a lot of respects but the socialist alternative works like a treat when they first get in.I always voted for it in my youth but without exception we are always left totally in the shit because of the insane 'Prizes for all' mentality results in near bancruptcy. Every labour govt apart from the immediate post war one has followed the same pattern; same with Greece, soon Spain and Portugal; they will be handing round the begging bowl shortly but they certainly wont get it filled by countries like their own. They always end up bailed out by the capitalist system, like it or not.
Ancient Citizen said:
law74 said:
Which is one of the main differences between Socialism and Communism.

But having seen how well the de-regulation of the financial sector has worked, it is obvious that in a free market society that the tories crave all will be well with the world (well, at least the richest members and silver spoon members).

As stated on here recently hand wringing liberals in the USA wanted 'Poor' people to have houses of their own, piling pressure on the administration to allow this with the consequences we can all now see. Capitalism is nasty in a lot of respects but the socialist alternative works like a treat when they first get in.I always voted for it in my youth but without exception we are always left totally in the shit because of the insane 'Prizes for all' mentality results in near bancruptcy. Every labour govt apart from the immediate post war one has followed the same pattern; same with Greece, soon Spain and Portugal; they will be handing round the begging bowl shortly but they certainly wont get it filled by countries like their own. They always end up bailed out by the capitalist system, like it or not.

And these "hand wringing liberals in the USA" were doing just what the milk snatcher done here in her first term of office, sold "social housing" to those that thought they could afford it at a cut price, meaning that subsequent governments have had less monet comming in to build and repair social housing, resulting in more and more reliance on the "buy to let" private sector, greed is god, loadsa dosh type barstewards to rip off the Housing authorities as the price of property exploded. with the bankers rubbing their hands in glee.
law74 said:
Ancient Citizen said:
As stated on here recently hand wringing liberals in the USA wanted 'Poor' people to have houses of their own, piling pressure on the administration to allow this with the consequences we can all now see. Capitalism is nasty in a lot of respects but the socialist alternative works like a treat when they first get
S in.I always voted for it in my youth but without exception we are always left totally in the shit because of the insane 'Prizes for all' mentality results in near bancruptcy. Every labour govt apart from the immediate post war one has followed the same pattern; same with Greece, soon Spain and Portugal; they will be handing round the begging bowl shortly but they certainly wont get it filled by countries like their own. They always end up bailed out by the capitalist system, like it or not.

And these "hand wringing liberals in the USA" were doing just what the milk snatcher done here in her first term of office, sold "social housing" to those that thought they could afford it at a cut price, meaning that subsequent governments have had less monet comming in to build and repair social housing, resulting in more and more reliance on the "buy to let" private sector, greed is god, loadsa dosh type barstewards to rip off the Housing authorities as the price of property exploded. with the bankers rubbing their hands in glee.

Social Housing has always cost money, not made it, So any govt.freed of this responsibility will always benefit. As for selling at a cut price, most people I know thought after 20years or so paying rent their lives would be considerably better;as was proved, most were. Bankers are a pain in the arse; unfortunately they are a necessary evil.
Another article of the good work Unions do:

"Mr Moore was a workshop instructor at Channings Wood prison in Newton Abbot. He was very experienced and worked with inmates in the prison’s carpentry workshop. One inmate had made threats of violence against Mr Moore that were the subject of a security information report (SIR).

Despite the SIR, the inmate was allowed to attend the workshop where he punched Mr Moore in the head knocking him unconscious to the floor.

We issued Court proceedings claiming there was, amongst other things, a failure by the Ministry of Justice to act on the SIR; failing to have adequate systems in place to deal with SIRs; being unduly lenient on the inmate; and failing to safeguard Mr Moore’s physical safety whilst at work.

Whilst Mr Moore’s physical injuries were relatively minor, he was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder. This led to him being unable to return to his job at the prison and he was eventually medically retired on the grounds of ill-health. Fortunately, he found alternative work as a carpenter despite the
difficult economic climate. He had however lost a job that was relatively secure.

The MoJ admitted liability for not taking proper notice of the threats and failing to protect Mr Moore. There was however no suitable offers of settlement made, so we went to trial in October 2009. At the Plymouth
County Court Mr Moore was awarded just under £64,000, which when added to his prison service payout, gave him compensation of approximately £110,000.

Mr Moore was delighted with his compensation; Angela Williams of the Plymouth office of Thompsons acted for Mr Moore and commented that this case highlights the duty of employers to keep their workforce safe and free from dangers"
In the last 10 years there has been nearly 1,000,000 new public sector workers and the average public sector pay is nearly 10% higher than the private sector. The country cannot afford it so the unions need to drop the rhetoric and get on with the job in hand which is reducing costs.

How about this idea for them; if the mere mention of cuts is met with cries of "job losses " or "most vunerable will be impacted worst" or "front line services will be cut" then how about they suggest an across the board public sector pay cut to bring public sector pay in line with private sector this will provide (based on my crude maths) over £63bn of savings for this parliment and not one job is lost!!! Genius huh? No? It's funny how easily the unions ask for the "well off" to pay more but I guess it's always going to be popular if you don't have to pay for it.

In reference to the £200k+ a year council leaders salaries Unison have on their website "The vast majority of public-sector workers get nowhere near these salaries. Two thirds of local government workers earn less than £21,000 a year and face a three-year pay freeze."

Erm, apart from I am gobsmacked they actually back these pay levels for town hall clerks and the such the pay freeze does not include those who earn less than £21,000 a year

Rabble rousing of the highest order but with a we're alright jack mentality
[rabble rousing of the highest order but with a we're alright jack mentality[/quote]
its not the "crude maths' that is the problem,more the sneering bias in your dismissal of 'clerks',and the 'rabble' of public sector workers. No wonder the 'nasty' party got it's tag.The much proclaimed private sector has seen directors pay ,perks and pensions continue to soar above inflation,at the same time as out-sourcing,short term contracts loss of pensions pay-cuts longer hours have been imposed on the workforce. This was before the all-greedy merchant banks brought the present crisis.Whatever,it's all been done before,the massed ranks of the murdoch/mail axis continue to brainwash those who want to believe,the country goes further down the pan,and we have the 80's all over again. The country never recovered from tory slash and burn,so the damage this time will be permanent, the banks will be brought to heel by outside forces(20 years too late)and the false boom of the last ten years cannot be repeated as house prices are set to plummet.So no manufacturing,no jobs,no tax revenue,'financial services' (legal theft) moving abroad,a plastic coalition peddling out-of-date, proved-to-be unworkable policies (19 years of misery) with a dash of 'green taxes' from the token libdems to make matters worse.And its all down to the 'unions'.Shares in pawn-brokers set to take off, we are all saved.
bellbuzzer said:
its not the "crude maths' that is the problem,more the sneering bias in your dismissal of 'clerks',and the 'rabble' of public sector workers. No wonder the 'nasty' party got it's tag.The much proclaimed private sector has seen directors pay ,perks and pensions continue to soar above inflation,at the same time as out-sourcing,short term contracts loss of pensions pay-cuts longer hours have been imposed on the workforce. This was before the all-greedy merchant banks brought the present crisis.Whatever,it's all been done before,the massed ranks of the murdoch/mail axis continue to brainwash those who want to believe,the country goes further down the pan,and we have the 80's all over again. The country never recovered from tory slash and burn,so the damage this time will be permanent, the banks will be brought to heel by outside forces(20 years too late)and the false boom of the last ten years cannot be repeated as house prices are set to plummet.So no manufacturing,no jobs,no tax revenue,'financial services' (legal theft) moving abroad,a plastic coalition peddling out-of-date, proved-to-be unworkable policies (19 years of misery) with a dash of 'green taxes' from the token libdems to make matters worse.And its all down to the 'unions'.Shares in pawn-brokers set to take off, we are all saved.

sneering bias? sir, you know not me. For clarity; rabble rousing = unions not public sector workers and clerks = council chief execs.

As for private sector directors pay soaring above inflation apart from they are normally paid out of profits...how about, as one example, NHS chief execs ON AVERAGE getting 18% pay rises over the past 2 years? That is yours and mine tax paying pound going to pay these people nearing 1/5th more than they were earning 2 years ago or to put it another way that's one more nurses job for each chief exec's pay rise but that's ok isn't it because the higher earners can just keep paying and paying and paying so the boys can just reward themselves with more grotesque pay rises.

As far as I see nobody (and certainly not I) said it was down to the unions to sort but they need to get their heads out of their collective arses, accept what is happening here, and work with it for the good of all not spread disingenius nonsense as fact.

Who knows if they show willing, get public support, then ask the tax payer to pay a little more we might not face the predicted mass cuts else we can just continue with the it's all thatchers fault, typical tories, 1980's, banks, tax 'em and let battle commence.
metalblue said:
bellbuzzer said:
its not the "crude maths' that is the problem,more the sneering bias in your dismissal of 'clerks',and the 'rabble' of public sector workers. No wonder the 'nasty' party got it's tag.The much proclaimed private sector has seen directors pay ,perks and pensions continue to soar above inflation,at the same time as out-sourcing,short term contracts loss of pensions pay-cuts longer hours have been imposed on the workforce. This was before the all-greedy merchant banks brought the present crisis.Whatever,it's all been done before,the massed ranks of the murdoch/mail axis continue to brainwash those who want to believe,the country goes further down the pan,and we have the 80's all over again. The country never recovered from tory slash and burn,so the damage this time will be permanent, the banks will be brought to heel by outside forces(20 years too late)and the false boom of the last ten years cannot be repeated as house prices are set to plummet.So no manufacturing,no jobs,no tax revenue,'financial services' (legal theft) moving abroad,a plastic coalition peddling out-of-date, proved-to-be unworkable policies (19 years of misery) with a dash of 'green taxes' from the token libdems to make matters worse.And its all down to the 'unions'.Shares in pawn-brokers set to take off, we are all saved.

sneering bias? sir, you know not me. For clarity; rabble rousing = unions not public sector workers and clerks = council chief execs.

As for private sector directors pay soaring above inflation apart from they are normally paid out of profits...how about, as one example, NHS chief execs ON AVERAGE getting 18% pay rises over the past 2 years? That is yours and mine tax paying pound going to pay these people nearing 1/5th more than they were earning 2 years ago or to put it another way that's one more nurses job for each chief exec's pay rise but that's ok isn't it because the higher earners can just keep paying and paying and paying so the boys can just reward themselves with more grotesque pay rises.

As far as I see nobody (and certainly not I) said it was down to the unions to sort but they need to get their heads out of their collective arses, accept what is happening here, and work with it for the good of all not spread disingenius nonsense as fact.

Who knows if they show willing, get public support, then ask the tax payer to pay a little more we might not face the predicted mass cuts else we can just continue with the it's all thatchers fault, typical tories, 1980's, banks, tax 'em and let battle commence.

Exactly this.They never seem to get the absolute fundamentals of how money is created.
do the anti public sector lot want this country to become a survival of thee fittest dog eat dog zoo

all civilised societies need public services

not greenhouses that sell processed cow

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