TUC Conference

oneyeartillheaven said:
Fuck the unions and any cnut thats in one

You are a nob!

People have household insurance, pet insurance and life insurance. Being in a union is employment insurance. I worked for a company for 10years. They got to the point where they were basically getting rid of employees who were still in the final salary pension scheme and bringing in new people on short term contracts without the benefits. They tried getting rid of me on various tecnicalities and bullied me into almost leaving (it didnt help that my boss was scared of me as I could do a lot better job than him). I got my union rep in and they pulled the company apart, I got a 6 month pay off and could have had more if I could have waited for the money.

They were brilliant with me and I urge everyone to join, i'm with the GMB by the way.
BimboBob said:
m27 said:
Put yourself in someone's shoes who works for a Local Authority and is a real grafter (they do exist) .

Been looking through the latest City Council accounts. Did you know that 445 people earn more than 50k a year? And that 9 school workers earned more than 100k a year? 8 people in the council also earned more than 100k a year not including the Chief Executive who is on 203k basic. Even the Treasurer is on in excess of 150k.
Something called a Strategic Director of Directorate of Transformation was paid 91k at least in the year 2009/2010.

This is where the real money is being wasted. It is because of this greed that real people who do real jobs will suffer. I suggest that the Unions, instead of banging on about how the coalition is out to screw the 'people' , started attacking the waste that goes on.

But i think that won't happen seeing as unions like Unite only spend 50% of all money they receive on their members with the rest going to themselves which includes TWO general secretaries who both get paid in excess of 120k a year.

Add on the waste that is in central government with quangos for quangos sake (whatever they are) then a picture suddenly appears.

It's the people in charge who are bleeding this country dry. Strikes won't help as they will only hurt the common person.

And this is against all political parties who have had any sort of power in the last 20 years, even at local council level.

Cut the waste. Don't strike. Keep the real workers, working. It's all very simple.

I cut my teeth in Local Government and the Head of my Department earned more than the Prime Minister and I agree this can't be right.

Ironically though, when the cuts are made the majority of the highest earners will be protected and not touched.
TUC? They're all crackers!

If it was not for Unions & the TUC ordinary working class people would be a lot worse of than they are now
These particular cuts are not necessary. They are aimed at the weakest with the smallest voice. We could cut genuinely wasteful aspects of public service which would be good but thats not what they're doing.

We could target our cuts towards the real criminals the one's that cost the country tens of billions a year through tax loopholes, ridiculous untaxed bonuses, unused housing etc. and avoid such drastic cuts which negatively effect the lives of vulnerable people and support for the ill and disabled. but they won't - the cuts are ideological and are in place in part to further drive down workers wages.

The TUC although not perfect, in opposing the cuts are doing the right thing.
BimboBob said:
m27 said:
Put yourself in someone's shoes who works for a Local Authority and is a real grafter (they do exist) .

Been looking through the latest City Council accounts. Did you know that 445 people earn more than 50k a year? And that 9 school workers earned more than 100k a year? 8 people in the council also earned more than 100k a year not including the Chief Executive who is on 203k basic. Even the Treasurer is on in excess of 150k.
Something called a Strategic Director of Directorate of Transformation was paid 91k at least in the year 2009/2010.

This is where the real money is being wasted. It is because of this greed that real people who do real jobs will suffer. I suggest that the Unions, instead of banging on about how the coalition is out to screw the 'people' , started attacking the waste that goes on.

But i think that won't happen seeing as unions like Unite only spend 50% of all money they receive on their members with the rest going to themselves which includes TWO general secretaries who both get paid in excess of 120k a year.

Add on the waste that is in central government with quangos for quangos sake (whatever they are) then a picture suddenly appears.

It's the people in charge who are bleeding this country dry. Strikes won't help as they will only hurt the common person.

And this is against all political parties who have had any sort of power in the last 20 years, even at local council level.

Cut the waste. Don't strike. Keep the real workers, working. It's all very simple.
Im not sure how many members Unite have, but I would be certain that any other company with a similar amount of members would have their top executives earning a LOT more (and thats without their bonus payments).
I am a Public Sector Employee in a branch that has brought in more than £2 for every £1 spent, but we are going to lose up to 40% of our staff if these cuts get the go ahead.
By all means cut the waste (no more quangos), bring the profitable aspects of the Public Sector that Maggie and all those that have followed have sold off in subsequent years (like executive housing) back under Public control, give the 30,000 HMRC staff that have lost their jobs (or not been replaced) back their jobs, or replace them, so we do not have 10% of the population getting letters saying they have been paying the wrong rate.
Scrap LEAN (which resulted in data going missing from CSA (now CMED, not the Centenery Supporters Association), Employ MORE Revenue investigators to track tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion, and Employ more (not less) Benefit Fraud Investigators to ensure that the money going to the most needy in society goes to the most needy, not some of the most greedy.
Back the UNIONS, Stop the CUTS.
oneyeartillheaven said:
Fuck the unions and any cnut thats in one

actually i think you`ll find its everybody apart from the bankers and people in the city that will be fucked. of course they did, are and will receive massive bonuses while the rest struggle.

this is a world recession if you hadn't notice, caused by greed and crazy lending not by the unions or the people they represent or even by the layabouts who live off us.
law74 said:
BimboBob said:
Been looking through the latest City Council accounts. Did you know that 445 people earn more than 50k a year? And that 9 school workers earned more than 100k a year? 8 people in the council also earned more than 100k a year not including the Chief Executive who is on 203k basic. Even the Treasurer is on in excess of 150k.
Something called a Strategic Director of Directorate of Transformation was paid 91k at least in the year 2009/2010.

This is where the real money is being wasted. It is because of this greed that real people who do real jobs will suffer. I suggest that the Unions, instead of banging on about how the coalition is out to screw the 'people' , started attacking the waste that goes on.

But i think that won't happen seeing as unions like Unite only spend 50% of all money they receive on their members with the rest going to themselves which includes TWO general secretaries who both get paid in excess of 120k a year.

Add on the waste that is in central government with quangos for quangos sake (whatever they are) then a picture suddenly appears.

It's the people in charge who are bleeding this country dry. Strikes won't help as they will only hurt the common person.

And this is against all political parties who have had any sort of power in the last 20 years, even at local council level.

Cut the waste. Don't strike. Keep the real workers, working. It's all very simple.
Im not sure how many members Unite have, but I would be certain that any other company with a similar amount of members would have their top executives earning a LOT more (and thats without their bonus payments).
I am a Public Sector Employee in a branch that has brought in more than £2 for every £1 spent, but we are going to lose up to 40% of our staff if these cuts get the go ahead.
By all means cut the waste (no more quangos), bring the profitable aspects of the Public Sector that Maggie and all those that have followed have sold off in subsequent years (like executive housing) back under Public control, give the 30,000 HMRC staff that have lost their jobs (or not been replaced) back their jobs, or replace them, so we do not have 10% of the population getting letters saying they have been paying the wrong rate.
Scrap LEAN (which resulted in data going missing from CSA (now CMED, not the Centenery Supporters Association), Employ MORE Revenue investigators to track tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion, and Employ more (not less) Benefit Fraud Investigators to ensure that the money going to the most needy in society goes to the most needy, not some of the most greedy.
Back the UNIONS, Stop the CUTS.

Law, I agree with most of your points but the unions won't accept this - they are more interested in political struggle than anything else. I just watched that tw*t from the PCS saying he wants no cuts and will bring all public sector workers out on strike. If he does that there will be riots and I'll be there starting them. Unfortunately, I don't think the cuts will all be in the right place because the government (ANY government) takes advice from the civil service mandarins about what can and can't be done and they will look after themselves and sod the rest.
law74 said:
BimboBob said:
Been looking through the latest City Council accounts. Did you know that 445 people earn more than 50k a year? And that 9 school workers earned more than 100k a year? 8 people in the council also earned more than 100k a year not including the Chief Executive who is on 203k basic. Even the Treasurer is on in excess of 150k.
Something called a Strategic Director of Directorate of Transformation was paid 91k at least in the year 2009/2010.

This is where the real money is being wasted. It is because of this greed that real people who do real jobs will suffer. I suggest that the Unions, instead of banging on about how the coalition is out to screw the 'people' , started attacking the waste that goes on.

But i think that won't happen seeing as unions like Unite only spend 50% of all money they receive on their members with the rest going to themselves which includes TWO general secretaries who both get paid in excess of 120k a year.

Add on the waste that is in central government with quangos for quangos sake (whatever they are) then a picture suddenly appears.

It's the people in charge who are bleeding this country dry. Strikes won't help as they will only hurt the common person.

And this is against all political parties who have had any sort of power in the last 20 years, even at local council level.

Cut the waste. Don't strike. Keep the real workers, working. It's all very simple.
Im not sure how many members Unite have, but I would be certain that any other company with a similar amount of members would have their top executives earning a LOT more (and thats without their bonus payments).
I am a Public Sector Employee in a branch that has brought in more than £2 for every £1 spent, but we are going to lose up to 40% of our staff if these cuts get the go ahead.
By all means cut the waste (no more quangos), bring the profitable aspects of the Public Sector that Maggie and all those that have followed have sold off in subsequent years (like executive housing) back under Public control, give the 30,000 HMRC staff that have lost their jobs (or not been replaced) back their jobs, or replace them, so we do not have 10% of the population getting letters saying they have been paying the wrong rate.
Scrap LEAN (which resulted in data going missing from CSA (now CMED, not the Centenery Supporters Association), Employ MORE Revenue investigators to track tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion, and Employ more (not less) Benefit Fraud Investigators to ensure that the money going to the most needy in society goes to the most needy, not some of the most greedy.
Back the UNIONS, Stop the CUTS.

I actually suggested that LEAN be "leaned" because it was starting to do my head in.

That sent them into a frenzy.

Revenue investigators to track tax Avoidance

Why? Nothing wrong with tax avoidance. Tax evasion is illegal - tax avoidance isn't.

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