Started watching the Roman Empire the other day on Netflix and couldn't put it down, it's a television docudrama based on historical events of the Roman Empire in anthology format with each season presenting an independent story of the era.
Season 1 reign of blood is a six-parter about Emperor Commodus and after smashing through every episode non stop I marched straight on through the night to series 2 of Julius Caesar's reign and what a guy with a sharp gladius he turned out to be. It's not the place to insert spoilers but safe to say there were some right back stabbing bar-stewards doing the rounds and as for that Brrutus I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.
The docudrama is interspersed with snippets and analogies from esteemed historians and professors of history trying to inject a little context into the action of the day and all explained and dissected magnificently for my GCSE level brain. If ever I maKe it to Mastermind I now know what my specialized subject would be. I cant believe that's where the metaphor Crossing The Rubicon came from and there's no turning back:
The Die Is Cast!
Finally series three which I haven't watched yet is based around the antics of Caligula who had quite an eye for the ladies.
Here is a
devoid from waffle review communicating the subject matter more eloquently than ever I could.
A few weeks ago I published a review of a recent theatrical production of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. And before that I wrote an essay on…
Series 1 trailer Commodus
Series 2 Trailer Julius Caesar
Series 3 trailer Caligula
And finally I announce with pride that I completed Ryse Son Of Rome in the difficult Centurion setting making piecemeal of my Away Trip to York. Maybe like mother said I was destined for greater things.
Strenth and Honour !