TV Series

I'm giving The English another chance - up to the last 2 episodes now.

I'll finish the series - it's OK - but my initial impression remains. The series is over-dramatized. It's as if the writers/producers got together and brainstormed - what would be a really cool, gruesome scene? Hey, what if a bunch of Indians were killed with a gatling gun? - Nice! Wow! Let's fit that in somehow!!!
That scene was based on Wounded Knee where they used Hotchkiss Guns which fired 50 rounds per minute, 2 pound shells. I thought it was really well written and researched and the mix of nationalities and accents made it very interesting.
That scene was based on Wounded Knee where they used Hotchkiss Guns which fired 50 rounds per minute, 2 pound shells. I thought it was really well written and researched and the mix of nationalities and accents made it very interesting.
Cheers - each of us has his or her own taste.
The chief failing of The English - IMO - is as I've stated above. It's a series of stitched-together, overly dramatic scenes - the plot is driven by the episodic moments of extreme theater - as opposed to character/narrative.

Compare, "The English," with, "River" - River is one of my most favorite ever series with a sympathetic main character and a plot that's character driven, fun, engaging and emotionally riveting.

Another series similar in appeal is, "Undone," - available on Amazon Prime.

I can't recommend enough that viewers of this thread watch River and Undone if you haven't already done so.
Cheers - each of us has his or her own taste.
The chief failing of The English - IMO - is as I've stated above. It's a series of stitched-together, overly dramatic scenes - the plot is driven by the episodic moments of extreme theater - as opposed to character/narrative.

Compare, "The English," with, "River" - River is one of my most favorite ever series with a sympathetic main character and a plot that's character driven, fun, engaging and emotionally riveting.
The one with Stellan Skarsgård?
That scene was based on Wounded Knee where they used Hotchkiss Guns which fired 50 rounds per minute, 2 pound shells. I thought it was really well written and researched and the mix of nationalities and accents made it very interesting.

There have been so many propaganda movies based on the lie that the native Americans were vicious savages and the invaders with guns the good folk doing right by Jesus, that many folk struggle to comprehend that the ‘settling’ of North America was the largest and most heinous genocide ever committed and that peaceful native men & women, little babies, children and old folk were routinely and brutally raped tortured & murdered in their millions, to clear them off their land, for government paid reward bounties and for the fun of doing it.

I thought that, as awful as it was portrayed, The English pretty much downplayed how barbaric the settlers were towards the native people who were slaughtered for fun shits & giggles for a long time beyond the period and are still denied their rights to this very day.

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