TV Series

in all 6 weeks of it?
Yes, I know it's early, but it's the current leader!

Although I'm halfway through an intriguing series on Netflix at the moment, Archive 81, that could top it (depending on where it goes from here).
If Clarkson’s involved the perspective you get will be from a very acute / rightwing bordering fascist / racist / antiEurope angle.

The bloke’s a twat, don’t be fooled by his nonsense. I live in a rural community, many of my closest neighbours are farmers & retired farmers and the red tape issues they’ve suffered in recent years are caused by Brexit and the consequent slashing of the subsidies that they need to farm profitably and without causing wholesale damage to the environment.

PS. If you really want to rely on Clarkson for you view of the world then I recommend that you get to understand his mindset by reading and believing Mein Kampf.

My in-laws are farmers, all their community voted brexit they hated all the red tape and restrictions that went with it!
My in-laws are farmers, all their community voted brexit they hated all the red tape and restrictions that went with it!

Haha you should do stand up kinky.

I bet these invented in-laws of yours loved the sudden disappearance of all the environmental farming subsidies that the EU provided to them as well eh?

The farmers here in Shropshire are so happy about it that they’re laughing all the way to the bank - to take out bank loans at ridiculous interest rates to try to stay afloat.

Joking aside, I can understand that some farmers were fooled into believing the lies about ‘good times ahead with Brexit‘ but I don’t think that there are many farmers stupid enough to be happy with the outcome of subsidies disappearing, our largest export market being made so difficult to trade with that it isn’t cost effective, the collapse of our economy and the interest rates consequentially going through the roof.

PS. I know that you’re on the wind up and I don’t believe your bollox about farmers (or anyone else in business) thinking that ‘red tape’ has reduced with our loss of European membership.
Are you so dim as to not understand that the whole point of the single market was the ability to trade across many borders without any restrictions whatsoever?
We can’t even export to northern Ireland with restrictions nowadays - don’t you ever read the papers?
The huge lorry queues on the approaches to our ports and the new lorry park where Kent used to be is tribute to the massive amount of ‘red tape’ that we inflicted upon ourselves by voting to leave the single market.
Just started watching a series called Lockwood and Co.
Never heard of it, just found it whilst searching.
It's set in a sort of alternative world and is a bit of a cross between Ghost busters and Supernatural.

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