TV Series

It's good, isn't it? I was wary, because I'm an unconditional fan of the film. Once I got past that, I saw that they were trying to do something quite different (which was quite right, incidentally, why repeat a successful film in a tv series?). In my mind, I kept comparing it with the film — which I know very, very well — and saying, “Yes, that's interesting. Different way of doing it, just as valid”.
By God but Scott is creepy, though! Nobody does creepy like him (remember him as Moriarty in Sherlock? An absolute psychopath). There's something “off” about him right from the start. I wonder if he can do other types of roles. I'd be interested to see him leading in a remake of Mamma Mia, say, see how he handles that.


Oh just one thing that I found tiresome. I'm afraid I found that Sting's daughter brought nothing convincing to the role of Freddy, and frankly I wondered why she/he was in it.
I liked it more than the film.
Lombardi as Inspector Ravini is wonderful.
Yeah agree about Freddie, Stings child was weak, they didn't fit the role imo.
Overall though, brilliant.
The local council try everything to put him and other farmers and small businesses he works with out of business.
It also highlights how hard farming is.
It maybe hard but it's very rewarding financially no matter what Farmers say. Nearly everyone of them drive flashy 4x4's and live in big properties. I used to do the accounts on a part time basis at a Garage, the owner, a fat ****, had a lot of accounts with farmers due to his wife's involvement in the horsey set.

Not one of them paid their account on time, sometimes it could go past a year. I sent some threatening letters out once and the owner of the garage came storming into my office saying I couldn't treat his customers like that. So, I stopped even bothering, I simply handed him a list of overdue accounts for him to chase, he didn't like it so I left a few months later, horrible fat **** and horrible farmers who nearly all were just cunts.
I "celebrated" my 30th birthday with a surprise visit to krakow and Auschwitz courtesy of the then missus. Nothing says happy birthday quite like a trip to the scene of a harrowing nazi death camp.
I was in Munich with Mrs H, we planned on doing Dachau but she changed her mind, ended up going to Munich Zoo.
And it gets better. Season 3's just as good and Season 4 is probably the pick of the whole bunch. As good as TV gets. There was a writer's strike in Hollywood, which is why Season 5 was the weakest, but even that's still quality
Look up Homicide: Life on the Street for a similar feeling of The Wire

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