TV Series

Gypsy rose blanchard , following her release from prison , it is complicated the rules she has to stick to

I am torn , having her mother murdered was not right but on the other hand she put the poor kid through hell that i understand her desperation to get away from her
Just finished watching The Long Shadow, about the Yorkshire Ripper case.

My God what a shambolic enquiry by senior West Yorkshire police. They were convinced he was a Geordie because of a tape sent in by some nutter claiming to be the killer.
They disregarded Peter Sutcliffe after questioning him 9 times over the years because he had a Yorkshire not Geordie accent.
They treated survivors of his attacks as unreliable witnesses and incredibly badly even though some of the were not prostitutes.
They ignored advice from experts at the FBI and language experts about the fake cassette tape.

It was like "How not to run a police enquiry" for 5 years.

Some of the later girls who died could possibly still be alive had senior detectives not been so misogynistic and useless.
The last girl's parents (their daughter was a student at University) took them to court for damages but the ultra-kind House of fucking Lords quashed the case.

also known as

Takes me back twenty five years - listen to the sarge bemoaning that his casually sexist PC "isn't much of a 90's man", jeez, do I feel old now. And - looking at the state of the Andrew Tate worshipping nobheads who keep popping up - properly defeated.

Enjoyed it mostly but the puppet element added nothing to the story. In fact it was a waste of time and effort. The cop element was much more interesting than the dad.
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Just finished S3 of Sopranos, watching them back to back. I know I'm about 20 years late.

I'm not sure why it's often touted as the best show ever. I like the characters but there's not much story to it really and it's quite slow. Is it me?

Despite all that I do like it.

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