Two faced city fans

Sit in 211 loads of germans all great craic and no bother at all made the game for me last night (lets not forget until seville scored most fans had this game down as dead rubber as we thought Juve will score)

People who were trying to get them kick out were a joke they were doing no harm they werent millwall or united fans just normal fans like me and you who wanted to watch there team
Even when we went 3-2 up and their hopes for europa league had gone they were sound

I completely agree with OP some blues were a joke last night
and if anyone says they shouldnt be in our end try remember the year we were in div 2 and every away game we had loads of blues in the home end
and if anyone says they shouldnt celebrate cask your minds back to Schalke and Hamburg away when we scored loads of blues jumped up or at Blackburn away when we all celebrating in their end no trouble

I would rather be sat next to 4 germans who were happy to have a good chat about the match and were asking about our songs when we sung them than an empty seat or some clown singing german bombers or in-ger-land

Maybe if we behaved like they did last night we wouldnt get treated like cattle or scum by the authorities when we play away

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I was at Blackburn away in their staunch end behind the goal. I was sussed out early doors and told i would be ok so long as I didn't celebrate if we scored. I got the piss ripped out of me for quite a while as anyone who remembers that game knows we were a goal down and it should have been five, as Blackburn hit the post and bar four times before we unbelievably won 4-1. In the sides of the ground there were Blues doing the conga and stuff but if I had tried that where I was I would have been battered and thrown out.

Personally I wouldn't recommend ever being in with the opposing fans. You can't really get vocal or celebrate and my biggest worry was always being found out and ejected so missing the game.It is ok as a last resort for important games though you just have to be prepared to adjust.
Funny how everyone has a different outtake.

I've seen a few people blame the away fans for "goading" us - as if it were their fault, or they initiated the trouble.

I was in 115 and the BM fans were very noticeable and vocal from before the game.

When we scored then most of us (me included) let the BM fans know we had scored - in other words we goaded them; and there was no violence or hate I could see in response.

When they scored, twice, they only gave us what we had given them - but the response from a large number of city fans was one of aggression. That's when a few fists started flying including one older Blue who came about six rows forward to throw a punch.

i don't blame the BM fans for supporting their team. I do blame the club for not enforcing segregation. And I do blame the few ones of our supporters who are happy to give out but not take back.
Top top post.
You weren't even at the game was you?
Just because it was friendly in the part of the ground he was sat doesn't mean it was elsewhere as the many many posts on the subject confirm. Some Germans were good natured, some were cunts. Depending on which ones were near you will no doubt help make your mind up as to the rights and wrongs.
I don't ever want the game to become what some on here are advocating. All together in harmony? Fuck that.
You weren't even at the game was you?
Just because it was friendly in the part of the ground he was sat doesn't mean it was elsewhere as the many many posts on the subject confirm. Some Germans were good natured, some were cunts. Depending on which ones were near you will no doubt help make your mind up as to the rights and wrongs.
I don't ever want the game to become what some on here are advocating. All together in harmony? Fuck that.
Great last 2 sentences they are so so true. All together in harmony is this really what some fans now want. I don't want to see any trouble at the match but I think segregation and away sections create atmosphere in the ground
One thing that everyone keeps ignoring here.

In Germany itself this happens in every single game. I've even known Dortmund v Schalke to have a section next to the away fans where you have half an d half support. In that section there is never any bother. Why can they behave there, yet seemingly not here, or maybe it is actually those that aren't used to it that can't behave, because that's the way it appeared to me last night.

Could it be that people actually learn good manners and how to behave when confronted with this thing more often?

Fulham have a neutral section. There never seems to be bother there too.

One thing is for sure, nobody can say that the odd grey area where fans are mixed destroys the atmosphere in Germany.

At the end of the day, yes there might have been some German knob heads in our end, but the vast majority weren't. There really are no excuses for any City fan to verbally abuse and physically threaten peaceful middle aged blokes or teenage girls, though, which I did see happen at one point last night.

Segregation won't ever leave the game, because there are far too many dunderheads around for that to happen, but should people stray across the boundaries, there is no need to beat them up, no need to get yourself worked up to the verge of having a stroke, and there's no need to call in stewards like some sad Evertonian crying about a player's celebration. They're just football fans like us, acting like ours (but probably more civil) when we are abroad, taking up home seats and keeping far from quiet about it. More over, they are there for a good time and do not deserve treating like criminals.

I always remember going to Anfield and loads of us dotted about everywhere going mental when Niall Quinn levelled it in injury time and Scousers coming up to us, shaking us by the hand and congratulating us on a great performance. For me, those moments are so much more memorable than getting a coin in my head for celebrating a goal in similar circumstances. Maybe that's just me gone soft, but I just live in a world where people get on despite their differences of opinion. I get the feeling that some on here should try it for themselves.
i don't blame the BM fans for supporting their team. I do blame the club for not enforcing segregation. And I do blame the few ones of our supporters who are happy to give out but not take back.

^^^ This and only this.

Almost all of their fans were wearing colours and were easy to spot, yet the stewards chose to allow them in.

English football (except Fulham!) is not ready for mixed zones, and the stewards and club should know this!

The Germans throughout the stadium were singing and cheering before the game, and at the start of the game, and after we scored with not an ounce of bother! Only when they scored (especially the 2nd) did the odd Neanderthal blue loose their rag and become violent... then as usual, an English pack-mentality took over, especially in our so-called singing section! As usual, some of our idiots think banter is great whilst giving it out, but turn violent when they get in back. This is the 'English disease', and this will always be the reason we are herded around like cattle by overzealous police, and targeted by hooligan elements of clubs throughout Europe... Is it any wonder you can't get a drink in the ground on European nights?!!
One thing that everyone keeps ignoring here.

In Germany itself this happens in every single game. I've even known Dortmund v Schalke to have a section next to the away fans where you have half an d half support. In that section there is never any bother. Why can they behave there, yet seemingly not here, or maybe it is actually those that aren't used to it that can't behave, because that's the way it appeared to me last night.

Could it be that people actually learn good manners and how to behave when confronted with this thing more often?

Fulham have a neutral section. There never seems to be bother there too.

One thing is for sure, nobody can say that the odd grey area where fans are mixed destroys the atmosphere in Germany.

At the end of the day, yes there might have been some German knob heads in our end, but the vast majority weren't. There really are no excuses for any City fan to verbally abuse and physically threaten peaceful middle aged blokes or teenage girls, though, which I did see happen at one point last night.

Segregation won't ever leave the game, because there are far too many dunderheads around for that to happen, but should people stray across the boundaries, there is no need to beat them up, no need to get yourself worked up to the verge of having a stroke, and there's no need to call in stewards like some sad Evertonian crying about a player's celebration. They're just football fans like us, acting like ours (but probably more civil) when we are abroad, taking up home seats and keeping far from quiet about it. More over, they are there for a good time and do not deserve treating like criminals.

I always remember going to Anfield and loads of us dotted about everywhere going mental when Niall Quinn levelled it in injury time and Scousers coming up to us, shaking us by the hand and congratulating us on a great performance. For me, those moments are so much more memorable than getting a coin in my head for celebrating a goal in similar circumstances. Maybe that's just me gone soft, but I just live in a world where people get on despite their differences of opinion. I get the feeling that some on here should try it for themselves.
I think you're ignoring the fact this isn't Germany and our way is different to many others on the continent.
I don't want to be nice to other fans once we're in the ground. I don't want to be side by side. I want the world to get on despite their difference of opinion but not when it comes to football. Take the rivalry away and the game loses its soul.
One thing that everyone keeps ignoring here.

In Germany itself this happens in every single game. I've even known Dortmund v Schalke to have a section next to the away fans where you have half an d half support. In that section there is never any bother. Why can they behave there, yet seemingly not here, or maybe it is actually those that aren't used to it that can't behave, because that's the way it appeared to me last night.

Could it be that people actually learn good manners and how to behave when confronted with this thing more often?

Fulham have a neutral section. There never seems to be bother there too.

One thing is for sure, nobody can say that the odd grey area where fans are mixed destroys the atmosphere in Germany.

At the end of the day, yes there might have been some German knob heads in our end, but the vast majority weren't. There really are no excuses for any City fan to verbally abuse and physically threaten peaceful middle aged blokes or teenage girls, though, which I did see happen at one point last night.

Segregation won't ever leave the game, because there are far too many dunderheads around for that to happen, but should people stray across the boundaries, there is no need to beat them up, no need to get yourself worked up to the verge of having a stroke, and there's no need to call in stewards like some sad Evertonian crying about a player's celebration. They're just football fans like us, acting like ours (but probably more civil) when we are abroad, taking up home seats and keeping far from quiet about it. More over, they are there for a good time and do not deserve treating like criminals.

I always remember going to Anfield and loads of us dotted about everywhere going mental when Niall Quinn levelled it in injury time and Scousers coming up to us, shaking us by the hand and congratulating us on a great performance. For me, those moments are so much more memorable than getting a coin in my head for celebrating a goal in similar circumstances. Maybe that's just me gone soft, but I just live in a world where people get on despite their differences of opinion. I get the feeling that some on here should try it for themselves.

theres a bit of a difference your ignoring - in germany the section next to the away fans isn't the ultra/ singing section. if there were that many city fans in borrusias ultra section the exact same thing would have happened i.e. fighting ... . away fans are great, but there is no way they should be in our most loud and boisterous stand.

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