UAP/UFO thread - Non-Human Intelligences

So what proportion of the 20 billion potential planets in the universe does that cover? Less than a relative teaspoon I am guessing.

Thanks for the video btw, watching it now. Already have a bit of an issue with the 4 billion year argument, tbh. In those timescales 10,000 years is nothing, a single universe heartbeat if you will. Any single cell organism created the same time as the first on earth, for example, could easily have developed at just a 10,000 year quicker pace and the evolution be 10,000 years more advanced. And where will humans be in 10,000 years compared to where we were 10,000 years ago? All dead probably. But that isn't the point. :)

Fascinating stuff, though.
It does, but this thread is about is there evidence or objects or eny extraterrestrial intelligence on earth or in the vicinity of earth, and the answer is no not a single shred nor around our nearest stars neighbours either.
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It does, but this thread is about is there evidence or objects or eny extraterrestrial intelligence on earth or in the vicicinity of earth, and the answer is no not a single shred nor around our nearest stars neighbours either.

Fair enough.
There are many things that we do not know yet and that is the excitement of science, finding new things.
Our brains cannot comprehend the expanse of space and getting our heads around our theories based on how it all started and how long the universe has existed, has only just started to be answered. We may learn more in time, in fact I'm sure of it, but understanding the complexity of life in other formats is hard to establish without any base to go by.
There are other dimensions that we cannot see because we are 3 dimensional beings, there may be 4th dimensional or even 5th dimensional beings, sharing the same space as us and we may never know.
Science is amazing and looking into the heavens and just thinking how tiny we are in relationship to a bigger picture amazes me every day and fascinates me.

I don’t really find this notion about higher dimensional beings very compelling. I am no expert but I hear this a lot and I think the whole idea is very poorly defined “woo” designed to sound technical to a layman audience.

If organisms can traverse higher numbers of dimensions, then we would be as invisible to them as they would be to us so it renders the whole thing kind of futile. To understand what I mean just think about what a one-dimensional or two-dimensional creature would look like in our world. You can’t. You can’t even imagine anything without three strict dimensional reference points. Anything of “infinite thinness” effectively doesn’t really exist in our world and is incapable of interacting with anything. Such a creature would be as unprovable as fairies or unicorns but even worse because they’d be completely pointless (no pun intended).

It’s a fun thought experiment to think about how higher dimensional activity influences lower dimensional beings, but I leave it at that… a thought experiment.

NASA To release a report on UAP/UFO in our skies it should be interesting, I await with bated breath to be told we are all imagining it or it’s swamp gas..
Today or tomorrow 10 am 2:30pm allowing for time differences
It does, but this thread is about is there evidence or objects or eny extraterrestrial intelligence on earth or in the vicinity of earth, and the answer is no not a single shred nor around our nearest stars neighbours either.
Don’t know about intelligent, but we are only starting to scratch the surface of being able to detect anything out there.
It would be truly frightening to think we’re the most intelligent thing in the universe, but it’s really possible. The distances involved for anything visiting here would suggest technology we can’t yet comprehend. The probability of anything getting here is minuscule.

The likelihood that there is no other sentient life/civilization in the universe is slim to non-existent. Sadly, the likelihood that we will ever make contact with said civilizations is also slim to non-existent.
I don’t really find this notion about higher dimensional beings very compelling. I am no expert but I hear this a lot and I think the whole idea is very poorly defined “woo” designed to sound technical to a layman audience.

If organisms can traverse higher numbers of dimensions, then we would be as invisible to them as they would be to us so it renders the whole thing kind of futile. To understand what I mean just think about what a one-dimensional or two-dimensional creature would look like in our world. You can’t. You can’t even imagine anything without three strict dimensional reference points. Anything of “infinite thinness” effectively doesn’t really exist in our world and is incapable of interacting with anything. Such a creature would be as unprovable as fairies or unicorns but even worse because they’d be completely pointless (no pun intended).

It’s a fun thought experiment to think about how higher dimensional activity influences lower dimensional beings, but I leave it at that… a thought experiment.
That was kind of my point.
We cannot comprehend such things until we learn so much more.
I love the complexity of things like this and enjoy flexing my brain to try to think outside the box.

One theory I really like is the Simulation Theory and actually answers a lot of the weird shit that goes on in our world. Also could possibly be the reason why we haven't found any life in space.

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