UAP/UFO thread - Non-Human Intelligences

According to experts if we compare to the search us humans have conducted to water in the ocean then we have searched a tablespoon full of water. So by comparison there is no fish in the sea because we haven't seen evidence in that spoonful of water.
Yes but that spoonfull includes our whole solar system and well beyond relatively. So while it's possible there may be intelligent life somewhere, we don't know,but there is no evidence of any.
What we do know is there is no intelligent life anywhre close and there is and hasn't been any intelligent life on earth, in our solar system,nor any of our closest stars.
I agree with all your sentiments for what it’s worth. By any kind of objective measure conversations on UFO/aliens has picked up massively in the last year. Yes you could just ascribe it to Twitter bollocks, but there’s also been a glut of articles put out by global news media consistently in the last few months (not just the edge ones either but the NYT, The Guardian, AP, Reuters). Or… you can measure it by how often people are looking up search terms like “aliens” to see the massive spike:

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You can also measure it by governmental activity. There have been congressional committees in the US, yes. NASA are doing a conference on UAPs literally tomorrow. There’s also been statements on UAP activity by the Canadian government and former UK MoD officials as well as meetings held between AARO and five-eyes.

This activity has very clearly been amplified massively by the incidents regarding the Chinese spy balloon and the several other statements by the US and Canada about shooting things out of the sky earlier in the year. There is a national security paranoia around this at the moment which is pretty plain to see (whether that’s aliens is another matter) and the noise around it is being driven by government entities that quite demonstrably won’t stop talking about UAPs.

To suggest that the increase in alien talk is just a few nutters on Twitter is almost as unbelievable as the ET fossil currently lying in the Mexican Congress. It’s everywhere and we’ve hardly been able to get away from the topic for about 10 months as evidenced by this thread because NASA keep holding fucking press conferences.
The graph should go back to the 50s for context. I bet there was an even higher number of people with the search term of "aliens" then. (It just was in terms of asking the local comic store guy but should be included in that graph or it means shit - man.)
What we do know is there is no intelligent life anywhre close and there is and hasn't been any intelligent life on earth, in our solar system,nor any of our closest stars.
I don't think we know that for 100% either.

An intelligent life could be on Earth now and it could have been for a long time. There are places on our planet that haven't been discovered because it's extremely difficult to do so and there are probably plenty of discoveries yet to be made in science. So if an alien race wanted to be unfound but still present and they have technologies far beyond ours they could be here right now. In fact they could be on this forum.
I wonder if aliens have sports and if at these sports there's a load of yobs throwing things at the opposition's transport vehicle. Also are there unintelligent alien sports journalist going on about sportwashing and such while being total shits.
Interesting. Did he explain why?

Think he said the amount of catastrophic events that can happen in the early solar systems, that atmospheres are very fragile

In terms of out planet, the sheer timescale it took for us to evolve on Earth. Microbial life almost went fully extinct a few times. That by luck of a 4-6 mile wide asteroid hitting at a particular moment allowing mammals to become the dominant land species. That the species of primates of which we're one almost when extinct a number of times. That a period of settled climate after the last ice age helped seasons to be used by humans to domesticate and focus on other things other than foraging food.

If complex life/civilisation are to be abundant it would have to be much faster and in a more settled solar system anf planet than ours.
I don't think we know that for 100% either.

An intelligent life could be on Earth now and it could have been for a long time. There are places on our planet that haven't been discovered because it's extremely difficult to do so and there are probably plenty of discoveries yet to be made in science. So if an alien race wanted to be unfound but still present and they have technologies far beyond ours they could be here right now. In fact they could be on this forum.
Yes we do know, anything else is just science fiction immagining.
There are many things that we do not know yet and that is the excitement of science, finding new things.
Our brains cannot comprehend the expanse of space and getting our heads around our theories based on how it all started and how long the universe has existed, has only just started to be answered. We may learn more in time, in fact I'm sure of it, but understanding the complexity of life in other formats is hard to establish without any base to go by.
There are other dimensions that we cannot see because we are 3 dimensional beings, there may be 4th dimensional or even 5th dimensional beings, sharing the same space as us and we may never know.
Science is amazing and looking into the heavens and just thinking how tiny we are in relationship to a bigger picture amazes me every day and fascinates me.
Yes but that spoonfull includes our whole solar system and well beyond relatively. So while it's possible there may be intelligent life somewhere, we don't know,but there is no evidence of any.
What we do know is there is no intelligent life anywhre close and there is and hasn't been any intelligent life on earth, in our solar system,nor any of our closest stars.

So what proportion of the 20 billion potential planets in the universe does that cover? Less than a relative teaspoon I am guessing.

Thanks for the video btw, watching it now. Already have a bit of an issue with the 4 billion year argument, tbh. In those timescales 10,000 years is nothing, a single universe heartbeat if you will. Any single cell organism created the same time as the first on earth, for example, could easily have developed at just a 10,000 year quicker pace and the evolution be 10,000 years more advanced. And where will humans be in 10,000 years compared to where we were 10,000 years ago? All dead probably. But that isn't the point. :)

Fascinating stuff, though.

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