UAP/UFO thread - Non-Human Intelligences

I have no idea. But, if we travelled faster than the speed of light, would we not be time travelling into the future? Does my head in. Lol.
Wouldn't you get there before they could see you?
Fair enough, but that is rather the point. Nobody knows definitively what the laws of physics are, we only know how we place our current knowledge and understanding within them.
That’s true,but the laws as we understand them are tested and used to explain our understanding as it stands of the universe ,how it works,how it came to be what it is. So any change to those laws can’t change unless it fits all aspects of what we see across the universe.Even though the laws we have don’t fully explain everything we see.
Non of this though changes the fact that all this nonsense about extra terrestrials have visited and left stuff behind, that’s been hidden and kept secret, is just that complete nonsense.
One of my best mates at secondary school claimed he fucked a girl called Dawn who we all fancied. She was ginger but (in mitigation) had a huge set of lovely tits….in fifth form we all took a crack at her and failed but my mate said he had done the undoable…claimed to have done the deed and described a birthmark she had above her pubic hair to legitimise said claim… we couldn’t prove or disprove this without compromising him (which we wouldn’t) or her (because you didn’t) and he knew it, but he still got to bask in the glow of the conquest for a few days…..

Point is, seems to me this guy is doing the same kind of thing.

Obviously I stand to be correctly told what a twat I am for calling it …….once he reveals the location and the claim is substantiated
Just above her pubic hair?
That’s true,but the laws as we understand them are tested and used to explain our understanding as it stands of the universe ,how it works,how it came to be what it is. So any change to those laws can’t change unless it fits all aspects of what we see across the universe.Even though the laws we have don’t fully explain everything we see.
Non of this though changes the fact that all this nonsense about extra terrestrials have visited and left stuff behind, that’s been hidden and kept secret, is just that complete nonsense.

The only real nonsense, is calling anything unknown nonsense.

For the record, no I do not think (or believe) for one second there is stuff hidden or kept secret by any government or body. No I don't think or believe for a minute that aliens have visited the earth or left stuff behind in our (as a civilised species) lifetime. And no I also don't think or believe generally that aliens have visited the earth, ever. See a theme there?

But, I also don't believe it is out of the question and impossible, that in the 4.5 billion years, of which we have only been relevant the last 4000 odd, in a universe as big or old as it is, that something we can't imagine or understand, is categorically beyond chance. Or that anyone can claim that, even if we can agree on not believing it personally.

Or that if it had happened, that we might not at some point yet discover it. And anyone that argues that, is without doubt talking nonsense, unless they can say they have searched the entire planet millimetre by millimetre, in breadth and in depth.

It was only less than 200 years ago we discovered something as big and significant dinosaurs. It was only about 100 years we discovered oil. It was only last week scientists discovered giant spiders that once roamed the earth. And yes, I know you will get pedantic and claim they are all from earth, no shit. The point here is claiming we know everything that exists and therefore nothing else can possibly have existed, or occured. We don't, therefore other things are posdible. And the same goes for claiming what will or rather won't happen in the future, whose time beyond us we can't even quantify.

There is no evidence to support that of course. Other than the concept of sheer scale, of the universe, the earth, and the time in which we are too minute to even mention. And of course the countless precedent of new things continually being discovered literally throughout our entire existence.
The only real nonsense, is calling anything unknown nonsense.

For the record, no I do not think (or believe) for one second there is stuff hidden or kept secret by any government or body. No I don't think or believe for a minute that aliens have visited the earth or left stuff behind in our (as a civilised species) lifetime. And no I also don't think or believe generally that aliens have visited the earth, ever. See a theme there?

But, I also don't believe it is out of the question and impossible, that in the 4.5 billion years, of which we have only been relevant the last 4000 odd, in a universe as big or old as it is, that something we can't imagine or understand, is categorically beyond chance. Or that anyone can claim that, even if we can agree on not believing it personally.

Or that if it had happened, that we might not at some point yet discover it. And anyone that argues that, is without doubt talking nonsense, unless they can say they have searched the entire planet millimetre by millimetre, in breadth and in depth.

It was only less than 200 years ago we discovered something as big and significant dinosaurs. It was only about 100 years we discovered oil. It was only last week scientists discovered giant spiders that once roamed the earth. And yes, I know you will get pedantic and claim they are all from earth, no shit. The point here is claiming we know everything that exists and therefore nothing else can possibly have existed, or occured. We don't, therefore other things are posdible. And the same goes for claiming what will or rather won't happen in the future, whose time beyond us we can't even quantify.

There is no evidence to support that of course. Other than the concept of sheer scale, of the universe, the earth, and the time in which we are too minute to even mention. And of course the countless precedent of new things continually being discovered literally throughout our entire existence.
The existence of hidden extra terrestrial technology or artifacts,or any evidence at all that aliens have visited earth, that only governments have found then kept secret from the rest of the world is utter nonsense.
Yo may think it’s possible for such things to be found at some time in the future,I don’t but even if we accept that, the thought they have been found then hidden is in my opinion idiotic.
My view on science was shaped by Bronowski in the 70s and The Ascent Of Man, especially episode 11 where he describes why there can never be any certainty in science and how destructive dogma and absolute certainty can be to science and to society. So never say never. To anything. Except United winning the PL again, of course.

I use to love listening to Bronowski.

I though Jimmy Summerville was a great singer
The existence of hidden extra terrestrial technology or artifacts,or any evidence at all that aliens have visited earth, that only governments have found then kept secret from the rest of the world is utter nonsense.
Yo may think it’s possible for such things to be found at some time in the future,I don’t but even if we accept that, the thought they have been found then hidden is in my opinion idiotic.

I mean, if you read that post and that is all you take from it to be obstinate about, then fine, good for you.

I agree btw, that specific isolated part, is wild conspiracy fantasy stuff. My point went well beyond that, both in distant past and future unknowns, rather than deliberate concealment and the plot of the Transformers films.

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