UAP/UFO thread - Non-Human Intelligences

If humans evolved from apes or monkeys, why are there still apes and monkeys on earth ?

We didn’t evolve from modern apes, we share a common ancestor with them. About 6-8 million years ago there was a primordial species of ape which branched into two sub-species. 250,000 generations later one of those branches evolved into us, the other evolved into modern chimpanzees.

That old ape species also evolved along the way into a load of other species like Neanderthals and Homo Habilis which are now extinct because we out-competed them. What’s crazy is Neanderthals only went extinct about 40,000 years ago. Imagine that. Another human-like species with language and shit walking around as recently as that.
Another human-like species with language and shit walking around as recently as that.

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